Archive for May 2020
Deacon’s Corner
Deacon’s Corner for 17 May 20 In this past Sunday’s First reading, we have the Acts of the Apostles, where St. Luke provides a clear account of the origin of…
Read MoreNovena to St. Isadore, Day 5, May 11
Let us pray.P. Breathe into our hearts, we beg You, O Lord, a desire forheavenly glory, and grant that we may come, bearing in Ourhands the sheaves of justice, to…
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Our Lady of the Lake Knight of Columbus Council 9273P.O. B. 2390Lake Ozark, MO 65049 Join the Knights of Columbus If you are interested in Joining our Council, click on…
Read MoreNovena to St. Isadore, Day 4, May 10
Let us pray.P. O Lord, let us follow the blessed farmer Isidore’s example ofpatience and humility, and walk so faithfully in his footstepsthat by his intercession in the evening of…
Read MoreNovena to St. Isadore, Day 3, May 9
Let us pray.P. O God, You make all things work together unto good forthose who love You. Give to our hearts an abiding love forYou, so that the desires we…
Read MoreThings to Consider: May Musings
I would like to draw your attention to a few things to consider in the coming days. Often the information that we produce comes out in piecemeal fashion, bits and…
Read MoreGuión por misa de domingo
Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer estas instrucciones. Es un momento tan extraordinario, que requiere que tomemos una disciplina sagrada tan diferente de lo que estamos acostumbrados. Gracias…
Read MoreNovena to St. Isadore, Day 2, May 8
Let us pray.V. We offer You the sacrifice of praise, O Lord, and humblypray that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin,Mother of God, and of Saint Joseph, You may…
Read MoreNovena to St. Isadore, Day 7, May 13
Let us pray.P. May the grace of the Holy Spirit, we beg You, O Lord,enlighten our hearts, and refresh them abundantly with thesweetness of perfect charity, through Christ our Lord.R.…
Read MoreNovena to St. Isadore, Day 1, May 7
Grant, we beg of You, O Merciful Lord, that through theintercession of blessed Isidore, farmer and confessor, wemay forego the pride of worldly wisdom, and that, throughhis merits and exemplary…
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