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Education Commission Minutes, March 14, 2024

Education Commission Minutes

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, Missouri

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Present were Linda Adams, Karen Blevins, Mel Graessle, Michele Haggerty, Kelly Hamrin   By Zoom: Deacon Paul Poulter, Marilee Poulter, Linda Bukalski  Absent:  Barb Steinman and Karri Brauman

• Opening Prayer: Reflection led by Karen

• Education Commission Charter:  Committed core team: Michele Haggerty (Chair)

Linda Adams (2nd term beginning 9/1/21)
Melodi Graessle – Vice Chair (2nd term beginning 9/1/21)
Barb Steinman (2nd term beginning 9/1/21)
Linda Bukalski (2nd term beginning 9/1/2022)
Karen Blevins (1st term beginning 10/2020)
Marilee Poulter – Secretary (1st term beginning 1/1/2021)

Parish Religious Education Director Report:  Michele

o Success with having 4th-6th graders serving and reading at Wednesday night mass; more parents attending as a result.  Stacy plays a processional and recessional hymn and is hoping to get a youth choir started.

o Several youths will be Baptized, Confirmed and making First Communion (or combination of these Sacraments) on Saturday, May 18 at 5:00 pm Pentecost Vigil Mass.

o There are challenges of getting some youth caught up with the sacraments.  Going forward there will be a plan put into place to address the situation.

Adult Faith Formation:  Barb

o Thank you notes from the five scholarship recipients were read.

o Works of Mercy group:  Has put together a traveling Vocation Cross that will begin in May.  With the cross there is a bag that includes explanation of the cross, rosary directions, and other activities.  Sign-ups will be all weekends after all masses in Fellowship Hall.  Marlene Matyshak will coordinate this activity.

o Stump the Pastor will be April 17. 

o Hearts Afire program after Easter: Discussed offering 33 Days to Morning Glory again. 

o Vocations:  Fr. Penn would like to get a Vocations Ministry started.  This falls in Education Commission and action will follow.

• Family Life:   Karri

o One Friday wedding in May.

o No baptisms in May.

• and Library:  Kelly

o We received the Father Offutt Grant for $3,199.00

o Rokus will be added to all TVs on campus.  Brian Hamrin will set up the Rokus with FORMED, You Tube, and Chosen apps.  There is also money still available to boost the Wi-Fi that is still weak at times.

o Library: The Works of Mercy group started project of organizing the library. They’re sorting books and will place by category. Some books were received by St. Patrick’s as they are closing their library.

o The church has permission to stream season four of “Chosen.”  Discussion to offer showings during the weekday, evening, or both.

• Renewal Movement:  Mel

• Kirksville Welcome Weekend seed team is preparing for that weekend, April 19-21.  Some of the group is headed there Saturday, March 16 to look at facilities and meet with their team.  There are 24 attendees now and anticipating a full roster of 25.

• OLL Welcome Weekend will be put on hold, with anticipated weekend dates being in Spring or Fall, 2025.

• Looking into having a CRHP/Welcome Weekend Reunion on November 9, 2024.  All former CRHP Welcome Weekend ladies will be invited for this social.

• Mel announced she will not be staying on for another term in the Education Commission.  Her term finishes 08/31/2024.

• New Evangelization:  Linda B.

• The Screwtape Letters diocesan book study discussion will be Thursday, March 21 at 10:00 in Fellowship Hall.  

• Following Jesus Lenten book that was handed out for parishioners has received several positive comments.

• OCIA and Catechesis:  Deacon Paul

• The candidate is progressing in preparation, probably four to five more weeks.  She is set to receive First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.

• Parish Council Report:  Linda A

• The Education Commission charter was reviewed and revised to reflect current actions of the commission.

• Next year’s budget was handed out for ministry leaders to review and be ready to make recommendations at next month’s meeting. 

• Next Meeting DateThursday, April 4 at 5:30 p.m.

• Final Questions and review of action items.  Prayer leader — Michele and hospitality provider — Karri      

• Closing Prayer: Karen Blevins​​Serenity Prayer

Submitted by Melodi Graessle, Vice Chair

Core Term dates added by Marilee Poulter

Coordinators for Key Responsibility Areas:

1. Order of Christian Initiation:  The preparation for initiation into the Church for adults and children of catechetical age will be a special ministry of the commission, ensuring that there are catechists and sponsors to accompany the catechumens on the way to full initiation in to the sacramental life of the Church. __Deacon Paul Poulter_

2. Christ Renews His Parish and Renewal Movements:  The coordinator for renewal programs identifies, introduces and supervises the various renewal programs that are available to parishioners. _Melodi Graessle_

3. Marriage Preparation, Baptism of Infants and Formation for Family Life:  The coordinator for marriage preparation, infant baptism and formation for family life serves a foundational role in building up the domestic church in the home.  _Karri Brauman_

4. K-12 Religion Classes:  The coordinator for the religious education of the youth has one of the most essential roles to play in faith formation. _Michele Haggerty_

5. Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation:  The coordinator for sacramental preparation is a significant role along with the classroom catechists. The coordinator serves as an advisor, a facilitator and leader especially in ensuring that every person has access to sacramental catechesis at the appropriate time or remediating situations where a sacrament is lacking in the lives of the faithful. Michele Haggerty

6. Adult Faith Formation: The Coordinator for adult faith formation initiates programs that Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life; promote and support active membership in the Christian community; and call and prepare adults to act as disciples in mission to the world.  _Barb Steinman_

7. The New Evangelization:  The coordinator for the new evangelization seeks out those who have not heard, or have forgotten, ignored or rejected the Christian message. _Linda Bukalski_

8. Parish Faith Formation Library:  The Church has been and will continue to be a people of The Book. Therefore, it is essential that literary, spiritual and catechetical materials be made available for all parishioners of all ages. _Kelly Hamrin_

9. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life:  The coordinator for vocations to the priestly and religious life informs, organizes and leads the parish in regard to ensuring that the Lord’s call to pray for more workers in the vineyard is heard by each parishioner