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Advent by Candlelight Dec. 5

Advent by Candlelight is for all women of Our Lady of the Lake community.

Take an evening to set aside the season’s busyness and focus on the real meaning of Christmas.

Please join us on Tuesday, December 5 at 6:30 pm in Bestgen Hall. There is no charge for this event, but table seating is limited. Reservation required. Doors open at 5:45 pm for socializing and viewing the decorations.

It is a great evening to help prepare your hearts for the Advent season before the holidays. The evening will include music, prayer, a delicious dessert bar, and guest speaker, Jeanne Livers.

Come join us, listen, and learn how special occurrences in life can turn out to be graced filled and wonderful blessings from God!

Call Kelly in the office at 573-365-2241 X 5 for more information and to reserve your spot now. Bring a friend!

Jeanne was born and raised in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. She graduated from Southeast Missouri State University with a BS in Computer Science and a Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics.

She moved to Jefferson City in 1993 to serve as the Mathematics Curriculum Consultant for the State of Missouri, and she worked as a Computer Information Technologist and Trainer for the Missouri House of Representatives and the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

After her retirement from the State in 2015, she has been teaching Algebra and Introduction to Latin part-time at St. Joseph Cathedral School. Jeanne enjoys listening to music, dancing, reading, and spending time with friends and family. As an accomplished speaker who loves sharing her faith, she entertains and touches the hearts of all who have the privilege of listening to her humorous stories and enriching witness to her profound love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.