A young teenage girl pregnant out of wedlock in a culture where the penalty for that was death. An engaged man discovered his betrothed was pregnant but the child was…
Read MoreAnd so it begins, the journey to Bethlehem… Advent begins on Sunday, December 3, our four-week preparation for the coming of Jesus on Christmas morning and on the Last Day…
Read MoreOur annual Advent Giving Tree at Our Lady of the Lake is supporting HOPE House, Helping Hands, Ozark Rehab, and StoneBridge.By picking up an angel ornament, you will be helping…
Read MoreAdvent by Candlelight is for all women of Our Lady of the Lake community. Take an evening to set aside the season’s busyness and focus on the real meaning of…
Read MoreAdvent Tree Gifts were picked up and delivered December 9! Our Lady of the Lake Parish would like to thank parishioners for their outstanding support! Special thanks go out to…
Read MoreJim was gone for several of our Christmases – deployed to different areas. But when he was home, our one tradition was the Advent Wreath. It’s a wreath that our…
Read MoreAdvent by Candlelight seats are almost gone! We had a great response this year; limited seats still available for the Advent by Candlelight event. If you would like to attend…
Read MoreWe try to concentrate on the Advent Season as a time of preparation for the coming of our Lord. Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. Gaudete means to…
Read MoreFor our family of four, Advent activities were not as much traditional every year as embracing whatever activity our children were drawn into through religious education — Jesse Trees, class…
Read MoreSave the Date… December 6, 6:30 pm, Bestgen Hall Would you like to be a hostess at this year’s Advent by Candlelight on Dec. 6? Hostesses provide table settings, holiday…
Read MoreWhat is an Advent Wreath? How is it connected to Christmas? Historically, the origins of the wreath date back to ancient Romans. They decorated their homes with greenery for the…
Read MoreAdvent by Candlelight is a night out for women. Take an evening to set aside the season’s busyness and focus on the real meaning of Christmas. Please join us on…
Read MorePrepare the Way of the Lord For many years it has been the custom at Our Lady of the Lake to pray a novena for the benefactors of our parish.…
Read MoreAre there times in our lives when we say things so often that we forget what their true meaning is? How about the word Advent since today we are celebrating…
Read MoreFamily Blessing of The Advent Wreath
Complete Instructions for Blessing Your Advent Wreath, and Weekly Directions with Prayers and Scripture. Perfect to Combine With an Advent Calendar for Family Traditions! NOTE THE PICTURES BELOW AND COME…
Read MoreStreamed live from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark. The service will be of lessons and carols commemorating the various events concerning the birth of Our Lord.
Read MoreLast week I did a little woodworking project and it was quite frustrating. I spent about an hour looking for my box of woodworking clamps and just couldn’t find them.…
Read MoreFourth Sunday of Advent — December 20, 2020 As a community, we are doing a study of the Sunday Mass Readings to prepare our hearts for the coming of our…
Read MoreAdvent 2020 Web Page just released! Click HERE to jump in! Explore the Scripture — As a community, we will be doing a study of the Sunday Mass Readings to…
Read MoreThird Sunday of Advent — December 13, 2020 As a community, we are doing a study of the Sunday Mass Readings to prepare our hearts for the coming of our…
Read MoreSecond Sunday of Advent — December 6, 2020 As a community, we are doing a study of the Sunday Mass Readings to prepare our hearts for the coming of our…
Read MoreFirst Sunday of Advent — November 29, 2020 As a community, we will be doing a study of the Sunday Mass Readings to prepare our hearts for the coming of…
Read MoreJoin us on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm beginning November 24th to dig deeper into the Advent Gospels. You can join for any or all Tuesdays. We will be preparing our…
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