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Be still and know God

Last September I had the opportunity to attend the White House Jesuit Retreat in St. Louis. The architecture of the buildings, the stained glass windows, the gardens with statues, Stations of the Cross, and the Way of Ignatuis Trail immediately drew me into a more tranquil state of mind.

The gift of silence during the weekend so God’s voice can be heard is unequaled. God not only asks us to be silent but to “Be still and know that I am God’. (Psalm 46:10) In our society, being still is not a virtue, but busyness is valued. Being still requires more than being silent, which is difficult to attain in our
daily environments.

The ten conferences we attended teach a more thorough self-examination than I had been doing. It taught us to determine our feelings and to name them and to recognize when we are close to God and when we have drifted away. I am looking forward to attending the next weekend retreat this September and learning more about connecting to God!

We flourish when we are connected to God.

Father Jeff Putthoff, Retreat Leader

Our Lady of the Lake has a reserved spot for the Women’s Retreat each year at the White House Jesuit Retreat.  This year’s retreat is scheduled for September 8 – 11, 2022. If you are interested in attending the Women’s Retreat, please contact Barb Steinman at to get your name on the list.

This retreat is a silent retreat.  The retreat director guides you through a series of conferences.  Plus you have the opportunity to enjoy Benediction, Masses, Rosary, Confession, Sacrament of Anointing, time for personal prayer, discernment, meditation and more.

White House offers many retreats year round for Men, Women, Co-Ed, Recovery, Veteran’s, Young Adult and Spanish.  If you have an interest in attending a retreat, go to for more information.