Stewardship Council

Stewardship Council

Stewardship is the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor. Please consider sharing your gifts.


The purpose of the Stewardship Council at Our Lady of the Lake is to work with the diocesan stewardship councils and other stewardship councils in our diocese to deliver a common stewardship culture across our diocese. The Stewardship Council will collaborate with the pastor, parish staff, congregation and other commission and ministry leaders to educate, engage, and empower our parish community about the spirituality of stewardship.


The Stewardship Council serves to connect parishioners with other parish commissions and ministries to strengthen the commitment to stewardship at Our Lady of the Lake. The council envisions a parish where together as one body, we discern opportunities for our parishioners to serve our parish and community, as well as opportunities for our parish to serve our parishioners.


  • Chair: Gay Ann Christy
  • Vice Chair: Jay Bukalski
  • Susan Ziegler
  • Jennifer Otto
  • Brandy Hutzler
  • Linda Bukalski

Want to know more about Stewardship or opportunities for you to use your Time and Talent to serve our parish and community? Email us at and a member of our Stewardship council will reach out to you.

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