Deacon’s Corner
Deacon’s Corner for 24 May 20
This week we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven. The Ascension is 40 days from Jesus’ resurrection that is celebrated this year on Sunday, 24 May 2020
Why did Jesus have to ascend into heaven?
This final stage of Jesus on earth and his ascending is closely linked to the first stage of Jesus coming to earth. That is, Jesus’ descent from heaven, incarnation by the Holy Spirt to Mary, his virgin mother, and becoming man. Where, no one can ascend from Heaven except Jesus, who descended from the Father. It is only Jesus, the Son, who came from God our Father who can ascend and return to the Father.
We need to remember – what was Jesus’ mission? Why was he sent to be among us? To open our eyes, to open our hearts, to open our souls, and finally, to open the Kingdom of heaven, closed by the sinning of our first parents, Adam and Even. As such, humanity could not gain nor have access to God’s house if left to their own natural powers. Only through his Son, Jesus Christ, are we able obtain the strength to overcome sin and go where he is leading us.
Remember, Jesus did not come to judge but to save, and to give eternal life to all whom the Father had entrusted to Him.
Jesus’ Ascension becomes key to events that still need to take place: the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the interval before the day of the final restoration. In Acts, Jesus explains that before the final restoration of the kingdom the Holy Spirit and the missionary church will take the gospel to all humankind.
Therefore, by dying on the cross, Jesus elevated Himself and became a bridge, from earth to heaven, to draw all of us to Himself. It is through Jesus’ Ascension into heaven that marks the entrance and passage for all of us into God’s heavenly domain.
Blessings – Deacon Jim