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Education Commission 2023 Year in Review

Order of Christian Initiation:  Deacon Paul

Two catechumens for Easter 2023 entry. 1 OCIA participant for 2024.

Renewal: Mel Graessle

Welcome Weekend for ladies executed successfully. Approval given to allot a budget of $200 for each formation team.

Assisted with Lenten Evening of Reflection with Jade Basi.

Advent by Candlelight planned and completed.

Welcome Seed Team from OLOL formed to present a weekend to Mary Immaculate Parish in Kirksville.

Family Formation: Karri Brauman

Three weddings, 2-3 baptisms

K-12 Religious Education: Michele Haggerty

New DRE, new curriculum, new name (Family Faith Formation), new class time 5:15pm.

Increased effort to educate parents in responsibilities fortheir children’s faith formation and participation in Sacraments through direct communications from DRE and Pastor, weekly bulletin section, and Family Reconciliation evening.

New Children’s Celebration BBQ event, combining a Hispanic tradition with PSR end-of-year BBQ.

New Advent Adventure night in December for K-6 grade, youth group assisting

NCYC 2023 trip successfully planned and executed. Decision made to clearly communicate to future NCYC attendees the FFF attendance and participation requirements to ensure understanding of their responsibilities.

Sacramental Preparation: Michele Haggerty

Hispanic Sacrament needs continue to be investigated and completed.

Confirmation of 36 candidates held at OLOL with Bishop McKnight and in combination with St. Anthony’s parish.

Adult Faith Formation: Barb Steinman

New Reformation small group study.

New Heresies small group study.

New Hearts A Fire: Wisdom and Works of Mercy small group study.

Annual White House Retreat coordinated and completed.

Increased promotion of Cursillo retreat weekends andDiocesan-sponsored activities.

New Evangelization: Linda Bukalski

Selection of Lenten books (adult and child versions) and Christmas book (“Beautiful Eucharist”, by Matthew Kelly).

Parish Faith Formation Library: Kelly Hamrin

Increased advertising in bulletin of resources available for continued faith formation online and in parish library.

Other Education Commission Activities:

Scholarship Committee reviewed applications and announced recipients of 2023 scholarships. Solicited applicants for 2024 scholarship.

Hosted reception for one of the Parish Mission evenings.

Hosted reception for one of the Queenship of Mary Novena evenings.

Represented at the Welcome Dinner for New Parishioners event sponsored by Social Concerns Commission.