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Education Commission Meeting, June 2, 2022

Minutes, Education Commission

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, Missouri

5:30 pm, Thursday, June 2, 2022

Roll Call and Introductions:    Present were Linda Adams, Karen Blevins, Karri Brauman, Mel Graessle, Deacon Paul Poulter, Marilee Poulter, Barb Steinman, and Beth Wright

Opening Prayer: Karen Blevins

Education Commission Charter:  Committed core team:

Barb Steinman (Chair); 2. Melodi Graessle (Vice Chair); 3. Linda Adams; 4. Linda Bukalski; 5. Karen Blevins; 6. Marilee Poulter (Secretary)

Parish Scholarship:  Beth Wright, Karen Blevins, Mel Graessle

Beth reported this is on hold right now as they explore all options which might be available.

Parish Religious Education Director Report:  Beth Wright

Beth starting to actively recruit more teachers and subs.  She will be talking to current teachers determining which books need to be ordered. 

Beth met with Rosa and Luis and Deacon Enrique.  There are about 30 Hispanic children who will join PSR classes and 5-6 adults needing some sacraments.  

Beth attended a talk called Firing Up Parishioners’ Faith on engaging more people in your parish.  Speakers suggested gatherings outside with fire pit to create a relaxed environment and mentioned using The Search program by Chris Stefanich on Formed.  Cost would be the books. Discussion held on possibly presenting this 3-4 times a year.  

Steubenville/NCYC:  Karen Blevins/Beth Wright

Will send out dates next year for Steubenville as soon as available. They met with Finance Committee and presented a plan estimating 17 students and 5 adults for next year.  Planning meeting starting in in June on details and fundraising. Will report back to Finance as things develop.

Adult Faith Formation:  Barb Steinman 

Barb is attending Cursillo in Columbia Aug. 4-7, 2022.  Upcoming in 2022 – Leadership by the Good Book

White House Retreat – September 8-11, 2022. Eleven committed to going at this time. Commission Budget for this year was approved. 

Family Life:   Karri Brauman – Wedding on May 14 went well.  Two more on the schedule, Sept. 10 & Nov. 12.  Two Baptisms in June. and Library:  Kelly Hamrin – library info has been in bulletin and signs will be added about location of topics.

Renewal Movement:  Mel Graessle – Nothing at this time except that OLOL will host the Deanery Women’s Meeting June 15th. 

New Evangelization:  Linda Bukalski not present but Barb reported Consoling the Heart of Jesus Study just finished Session 5 of 10, meeting every Wednesday at 6:30 pm.

RCIA and Catechesis:  Deacon Paul – June 18 at 5 pm Mass three RCIA members will receive sacraments — one Baptism, 3 Confirmation and 3 First Communion.  Two people are interested in fall class.  Deacon may be showing DVDs of plays from Sight & Sound Theater in Branson later this summer in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Meeting Date: NO JULY MEETING.  Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall.  Prayer: Karen Blevins, Hospitality: Karri Brauman

Final Questions and review of action items

Closing Prayer:  Karen Blevins

Submitted by Marilee Poulter, Secretary

Coordinators for Key Responsibility Areas:

1.1 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:  The preparation for initiation into the Church for adults and children of catechetical age will be a special ministry of the commission, ensuring that there are catechists and sponsors to accompany the catechumens on the way to full initiation in to the sacramental life of the Church. Deacon Paul Poulter

1.2. Welcome (Christ Renews His Parish) and Renewal Movements:  The coordinator for renewal programs identifies, introduces and supervises the various renewal programs that are available to parishioners. Melodi Graessle

1.3. Marriage Preparation, Baptism of Infants and Formation for Family Life:  The coordinator for marriage preparation, infant baptism and formation for family life serves a foundational role in building up the domestic church in the home.  Karri Brauman

1.4. K-12 Religion Classes:  The coordinator for the religious education of the youth has one of the most essential roles to play in faith formation. Beth Wright

1.5. Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation:  The coordinator for sacramental preparation is a significant role along with the classroom catechists. The coordinator serves as an advisor, a facilitator and leader especially in ensuring that every person has access to sacramental catechesis at the appropriate time or remediating situations where a sacrament is lacking in the lives of the faithful. Beth Wright

1.6. Adult Faith Formation: The Coordinator for adult faith formation initiates programs that Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life; promote and support active membership in the Christian community; and call and prepare adults to act as disciples in mission to the world.  Barb Steinman

1.7. The New Evangelization:  The coordinator for the new evangelization seeks out those who have not heard, or have forgotten, ignored or rejected the Christian message. Linda Bukalski

1.8. Parish Faith Formation Library:  The Church has been and will continue to be a people of The Book. Therefore it is essential that literary, spiritual and catechetical materials be made available for all parishioners of all ages. Kelly Hamrin

1.9. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life:  The coordinator for vocations to the priestly and religious life informs, organizes and leads the parish in regard to ensuring that the Lord’s call to pray for more workers in the vineyard is heard by each parishioner _______