Education Commission Meeting, May 7, 2020
Attending: Mel Graessle, Deacon Paul and Marilee Poulter, Karen Blevins, Karri Brauman, Linda Adams, Linda Bukalski, Monsignor Mak, Vicki Irsik, Taylor Canon, Kelly Hamrin, Barb Steinman
Prayers/Reflection led by Mel Graessle.
Introduction of Taylor Canon to the group. Taylor joined the church in 2018 and plans to be an active member of the group.
PSR (Vicki)
- There have been questions about when Confirmation will be. Monsignor has received notice from the Bishop that Pentecost weekend, 5/31, would start being appropriate. Options discussed about how to proceed since we have a large group, 33 students. Having all students confirmed during one mass isn’t realistic during this shutdown time, due to the pandemic COVID-19. A core group will meet very soon to discuss and plan options. Thirty one of 33 Student letters to the Bishop have been received and were approved to send.
- PSR classes will finish very soon. Vicki will be contacting teachers for a meeting to discuss future plans. Teachers have been in contact with students and/or parents.
- Curriculum is going well; bulletin explains the focus and path to be taken.
Hispanic Community/ESL (Vicki)
- Our Lady of the Lake received a $900 grant through the Fr. James Offut Foundation grant program. It will be used for books and supplies.
Adult Faith Formation (Barb)
- Barb has been doing okay while staying at home and researching information/websites pertinent to AFF.
- The program, “Doing Business by the Good Book”, is being revamped this summer and Barb wants to offer it in the Fall.
- Steve Jannetti would like to offer Taize Prayer for students and parents.
Life Planning (Karri)
- Baptism on 5/23 – first during the shutdown period starting in March.
- Weddings – Information from the Diocese was received on May 8 on how to proceed during the shutdown period.
- Funerals have been held as needed. Possible celebrations of life will be considered once the shutdown period is finished.
Formed/Library (Kelly)
- Library is not open because of shutdown period.
- Formed is available to parishioners; several of the group have been using it while at home.
Renewal Movement (Mel)
- Plans to reschedule the “Angels Night of Reflection” will be rescheduled.
- CRHP 2.0/Welcome team is meeting and will be ready for the October weekend.
- Monsignor will assign the Formation Leader/Spiritual Director for the weekend.
- Reconnect Retreat was introduced. Karri introduced this from her former parish. Monsignor likes the format. Mel will explore the website and send the link she has to the group to also look at.
New Evangelization (Linda B)
- Can’t get into see anyone at the hospital or nursing homes.
- Long term plan for “33 Days to Morning Glory” is to have a new group going possibly this summer. The plan is to offer men and women groups.
- Consecration to St. Joseph is something that might be good to offer to a men’s group; offered by Kelly.
- Taylor offered up he would like to see small community-based groups and definitely young adult groups, Bible and book Study groups possibly. Karri and Karen Blevins both have contacts and ideas they will give to Taylor to explore.
- As a church and a commission, there is always discussion about how to connect to the young adult population, ages 18 to 30. The group recognizes there is a disconnect and look forward to Taylor’s input in this area.
OCI/Catechesis (Deacon Paul)
- There are plans to start up next Wednesday through Zoom to finish RCIA.
- There are already two people interested in starting RCIA next Fall.
- Deacon is looking to have a Catholic Refresher course due to him seeing sponsors relearning things they have forgotten or just didn’t know about the Catholic faith as they attend the RCIA classes.
Website (Monsignor)
- The site is up and going well.
- Mary and Marilee are great to work with and keep things current.
- Getting parishioners to use the website is a work in progress. Having local parishioners write a blog about something being offered out of the parish helps others see the relevance between parishioners and activities outside of the parish.
- Karri suggested something that parishioners can have to navigate the website. Monsignor will work on a You Tube video.
“Better Together” (Monsignor)
- Monsignor will get with different group chair people to write the summary report and then submit to the Diocese.
Next meeting is June 4 at 6:00 pm via Zoom. Karri will lead prayer/reflection.