Education Commission Meeting, Sept. 1, 2022
Minutes, Education Commission,
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, Missouri
Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022
Roll Call and Introductions: Present were Linda Adams, Karen Blevins, Karri Brauman, Linda Bukalski, Mel Graessle, Kelly Hamrin, Pat Metz, Deacon Paul Poulter, Marilee Poulter, Beth Wright
Opening Prayer: Linda Adams opened with a prayer for guidance.
Education Commission: Committed core team:
Barb Steinman (Chair); 2. Melodi Graessle (Vice Chair); 3. Linda Adams; 4. Linda Bukalski; 5. Karen Blevins; 6. Marilee Poulter (Secretary)
Parish Scholarship: Karen
Karen and Barb reviewed Our Lady of the Lake’s scholarship application and Karen presented draft. Discussion and revisions made and approved. Final will be sent email before office distributes to applicants.
Parish Religious Education Director Report: Beth
Not many sign ups after Masses but expecting more at the PSR Kickoff BBQ Sept. 7. Knights hosting and Woods is providing desserts and drinks. Email to all parents from Father Penn went out Aug. 30. Father Penn will meet with parents during first week PSR. Teachers retreat was held on Tuesday and went well. Tony and Ginny Baldridge will be working with Beth and helping with events for young parents to be held every couple of months.
Hispanic Sacramental Needs: Beth
Beth working with four Hispanic adults for confirmation class right now. Spanis video on Formed working well. Will be ready in 5 more classes.
Steubenville/NCYC: Karen/Beth. Will start working on fundraising. Grades 8-12 will be part of the youth group.
Adult Faith Formation: Barb
Leadership by the Good Book postponed for now.
White House Retreat – September 8 – 11, 2022. Ten confirmed going right now.
Deacon Paul and Marilee are hosting Behold your Mother — Three videos study in October on Mondays, Oct 3, 10 and 24. Videos from Bishop Barron and Dr. Sri will be shown. Notice on Facebook and web and will be in bulletin next week.
Family Life: Karri
Weddings Sept. 10 and Nov. 12 plus 3 Hispanic couples in Oct. One Baptism and a Quinceañera in Sept for Hispanic community. and Library: Kelly
Beth is using for Hispanic Confirmation and others have told Kelly they are using. Due to lack of resources, Library is functioning as borrow and bring back on the honor system. Going well.
Renewal Movement: Mel
Welcome Weekend is Oct. 22-23. Two signed up so far. Mel and Kathy meeting with the team on 10th.
Advent By Candlelight is December 6. On track. Speaker is Donna Zeilman. Mel meeting with her to discuss.
New Evangelization: Linda B.
Books to give out for Christmas were reviewed and discussed. Group chose books from Twenty-Third Publications (Division of Bayard Inc). Cost depends on quantity — $.89 (100-200) to $1.49 (50).
Decision made:
50 Let’s Follow Jesus – children K-3
50 Buena Nueva – Spanish
100 We Are Your Family Lord – PSR families
200 Awaiting the Good News – parish
OCIA and Catechesis: Deacon Paul
Two names for OCIA so far. Informational meeting being held after Education Committee. Vicki Irsik is teaching an in-person Virtus class on Sept. 7 at 3 pm in Fellowship Hall. Video can be watched on line also after you create your account.
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, Oct. 6 2022 at 5:30 p.m. – Fellowship Hall
Final Questions and review of action items.
Next meeting prayer leader — Kelly and hospitality provider — Mel
Closing Prayer – Linda A.