Education Commission Minutes, January 11, 2024
Education Commission Minutes, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, Missouri
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Present were Linda Adams, Karen Blevins, Karri Brauman, Linda Bukalski, Michele Haggerty, Kelly Hamrin, Deacon Paul Poulter, Marilee Poulter
- Opening Prayer: Kelly Hamrin led us in the Holy Spirit prayer.
- Education Commission Charter: Committed core team: Michele Haggerty (Chair); 2. Melodi Graessle (Vice Chair); 3. Linda Adams; 4. Linda Bukalski; 5. Karen Blevins; 6. Marilee Poulter (Secretary); 7. Barb Steinman
- Parish Religious Education Director Report: Michele
- Steubenville — sign ups in February. She is contacting them on this.
- Totus Tuus — The cost for the week is $4000 so possibly share with Camdenton. Will need to pursue for 2025 as money not in the budget this year. It is a one week class structure by Totus Tuus college age missionaries (2 boys and 2 girls). Set up like vacation Bible school.
- Advent Adventure — went well but not a large turnout. They all enjoyed. Suggestion to include pre-school age next year and recruit more high school students to assist.
- Considering moving FFF to Sundays next year — After research on this and staff discussions, will probably not move classes.
- Stump the Pastor – Family Style — was enjoyed by all and had good attendance.
- Michele is going to invite Hispanic participation in Education Commission.
- Adult Faith Formation: Barb
- Parish Scholarship application is out there for any student interested in applying.
- Works of Mercy group (from the Hearts Afire study) is going to focus on promoting vocations. Lots of ideas including:
- FFF talks by Father Penn and possibly Father Aubuchon and other consecrated religious.
- Wall in the Fellowship Hall will be set up with stories on priests in our diocese.
- Poster contest on vocations.
- Karri communicating with Father Paul Clark, the diocesan Vocations Director, for more information and other ideas.
- Family Life: Karri — Father Albert had a Baptism but nothing else at this time.
- and Library: Kelly — The parish is submitting a Father Offutt Grant request for $3,199.00. This would enable us to provide FORMED to all our parishioners. We are also in need of Wi-Fi improvements throughout the campus to best utilize the FORMED website in all areas. The goal is to increase the 152 current members by 10% over the next six months. The plan is to target multiple forms of communication including offering sign-up weekends after Mass. The Works of Mercy group is going to help organize the library.
- Renewal Movement: Mel
- Welcome Weekend in Kirksville — Seed team is meeting now and will go in April to present the weekend. Theme is “Planting Seeds of Faith.” Karri, Linda A. And Mel are meeting in Feb with parishioners in Kirksville who are working on the retreat at their end and will go in March to view facilities there.
- New Evangelization: Linda B. — Karri reported Father Penn asked Worship Commission to coordinate a Sunday afternoon presentation for Advent. Discussion held on doing a study of some kind during Lent. Decision made to purchase Following Jesus books for parish and to promote other available programs for possible use by Stewardship Grateful Living groups and other small groups or individual parishioners or families. Info on programs given Kelly to put together a list that can be posted in bulletin, notices, web page and Facebook. She will send an email to Grateful Living group leaders about this. Possibility of sending email info out also to bulletin email list and any other groups we know of. Attendees would have to order/pay for their own books.
- Following Jesus, small book of daily mediations $.84 each
- Ave Maria Press — Father Agustino Torres, CFR, a Lenten journal and discussion guide Made for Heaven $13.95
- St. Paul Center — 2024 Lenten Challenge Exodus & Exile daily (John Bergsma ) and weekly (Scott Hahn) on-line podcasts plus access to all digital content of St. Paul Center FREE
- Ascension Press — Lenten Companion walking with Jesus to Jerusalem with Fr. Mark Toup $13.95
- Word on Fire — Lenten Gospel Reflections with Bishop Barron $6.29 + shipping
- Formed — Kelly will check what is there FREE
- OCIA and Catechesis: Deacon Paul — Rite of Election and Scrutiny at Mass coming up during Lent for our candidate. Michele and Father Penn discussing several other people needing sacraments. Details to be determined.
- Parish Council Report: Linda A. Meeting rescheduled to next week due to inclement weather. She put together a 2023 Report of Education Commission Activities to present. Kudos to out commission for all the good work. Thanks Linda
- Next Meeting Date: Thursday, February 1 at 5:30 p.m. – Library. Prayer leader: Marilee Poulter and hospitality provider: Mel Graessle.
- Closing Prayer: Kelly led us in the Our Father.
Submitted by Marilee Poulter, Secretary
Coordinators for Key Responsibility Areas:
- Order of Christian Initiation: The preparation for initiation into the Church for adults and children of catechetical age will be a special ministry of the commission, ensuring that there are catechists and sponsors to accompany the catechumens on the way to full initiation in to the sacramental life of the Church. __Deacon Paul Poulter_
- Christ Renews His Parish and Renewal Movements: The coordinator for renewal programs identifies, introduces and supervises the various renewal programs that are available to parishioners. _Melodi Graessle_
- Marriage Preparation, Baptism of Infants and Formation for Family Life: The coordinator for marriage preparation, infant baptism and formation for family life serves a foundational role in building up the domestic church in the home. _Karri Brauman_
- K-12 Religion Classes: The coordinator for the religious education of the youth has one of the most essential roles to play in faith formation. _Michele Haggerty_
- Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation: The coordinator for sacramental preparation is a significant role along with the classroom catechists. The coordinator serves as an advisor, a facilitator and leader especially in ensuring that every person has access to sacramental catechesis at the appropriate time or remediating situations where a sacrament is lacking in the lives of the faithful. Michele Haggerty
- Adult Faith Formation: The Coordinator for adult faith formation initiates programs that Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life; promote and support active membership in the Christian community; and call and prepare adults to act as disciples in mission to the world. _Barb Steinman_
- The New Evangelization: The coordinator for the new evangelization seeks out those who have not heard, or have forgotten, ignored or rejected the Christian message. _Linda Bukalski_
- Parish Faith Formation Library: The Church has been and will continue to be a people of The Book. Therefore it is essential that literary, spiritual and catechetical materials be made available for all parishioners of all ages. _Kelly Hamrin_
- Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life: The coordinator for vocations to the priestly and religious life informs, organizes and leads the parish in regard to ensuring that the Lord’s call to pray for more workers in the vineyard is heard by each parishioner. _______________________