Education Commission Minutes, July 11, 2024
Minutes from Education Commission July 11, 2024 Meeting
Attendees: Karen, Michele, Linda B., Karri, Kelly, Brandy, Linda A.
Commission Ministry Leader Openings for Family Life and Renewal Movement
Thanks to Karen and Mel for the wonderful prayer/reflection and refreshments!
Discussion around increasing parent participation during FFFtime. Goal is to allow bonding between parents of FFF families. Should be social-based at first and then introduce topics of faith for discussion later, perhaps once a month or once a quarter. First one will most likely be at Shawnee Bluff Winery with Brandy and Michele to identify a date.
Adult Faith Formation-Barb
• Vocation work is going well.
• 33 Days to Morning Glory group study started last week and there are 4 members, with Barb leading.
• White House Retreat has 12 signed up, plus 2 on the waiting list.
Family Life-Karri
A wedding is planned for Sept. 7. There are two more possibilities in October (5 and 12) and one the beginning of May 2025.
Karri is stepping down from ministry lead. She has accepted the position of DRE at St. Anthony’s and, therefore, will be switching parishes. All of the commission members (plus many, many others) deeply appreciate all of the time and effort Karri and her family have devoted to Our Lady of the Lake. A wonderful opportunity is opening up for closer collaborations between the two parishes.
*Please prayerfully consider someone who will step in and continue Karri’s labors of love. and Library-Kelly
Reorganization of the library is complete. Positive comments are being reported.
Brian has some ideas for continued Wifi improvements.
Renewal Movement-Mel
Nov. 9 is the social for women of the parish. Planning meetings have started. Request is being made to all CrHP and Welcome attendees to invite someone who has not experienced a weekend to the social.
*As mentioned in previous meetings, Mel is stepping down from ministry lead. Please prayerfully consider someone who will step in and continue Mel’s labors of love.
New Evangelization-Linda B.
Dynamic Catholic has increased their prices by $1 for books (they are now $2 each) and there is now a 250 book minimum.
Diocese of Jeff City will be releasing a group study on the Beatitudes this Advent. More information to come in August.
Family Faith Formations-Michele
Updated Education Commission brochures distributed for review. Immediate edits were requests, since the deadline is/was the next day. The two major edits were 1) addition of altar server section, 2) removal of check box list of volunteer opportunities.
Karen and Sara are leading the High School group (grades 8-12). One Sunday each month in Bestgen there is a spiritual focused session. Another Sunday each month is a service project. Any month that has 5 Sundays, a social event may be planned, perhaps inviting neighbor parishes and/or churches.
Our Lady of the Lake will once again be represented at Osage Fest on August 7, thanks to Karen and Michele.
Confirmation classes will involve a new curriculum – Chosen (2022 version) by Ascension Press.
A request was made by an FFF parent to move classes to Sunday. In addition, the parent requested more substantial meals be offered than snacks. Discussions were held with consensus of commission members to keep Wednesday as FFF night and to not provide food during class time. A major benefit of doing this is increasing the amount of quality class time.
FFF begins Sept. 4 with the BBQ and goes through April 30.
Confirmation date requests have been given to the diocese of May 7, 14, and 21 (in order of preference). It will be held at 6pm.
OCIA and Catechesis
One candidate and two catechumens starting class in the fall. One additional person needs to be contacted yet. Bulletin posting will continue through August.
Curriculum has been purchased for children, teens, and adults. Sponsors are needed as well as catechists for children and teens. The classes are held every other week, so one person could teach both groups, switching between them each week.
*Please prayerfully consider who might be able to step up and serve as a sponsor or catechist.
Pastoral Council Report
No Council meeting since the last Commission meeting.
Next Meeting
August 8, 2024 at 5:30pm Prayer Leader: Kelly. Hospitality Provider: Linda B.
Note the date change. The meeting was moved one week later due to the diocesan DRE retreat