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Education Commission Minutes, Aug. 3, 2023

Minutes from Education Commission Aug. 3, 2023 Meeting

Attendees: Karen, Barb, Michele, Linda B., Karri, Linda A.

Family Faith Formation

• All catechist positions have been filled, including the parents’ sessions.

• Next week a letter will be sent to all families with registration forms. 

• Family Faith Formation Corner is appearing weekly and will occasionally highlight families and catechists.

• Youth room has been painted (1 youth from St. Patrick’s came to help). 

• St. Anthony’s Parish offered to host the upcoming Confirmation celebration.


• Donut Sunday raised more than $240.

• Donations of $300 and $1000 were also received by generous donors.

• Michele is looking into the sign-up procedure for Stubenville. Having a lockdown after the event was brought up to give students time to unpack what went on at the event.

Hispanic Sacramental Needs

• Michele will attend the Hispanic Mass this weekend with registration forms. 

• Concerns were raised that some families will not be able to pay the registration fee. Anyone who is having hardship paying the fee will be covered by parish scholarship.

• Three Hispanic celebrations will be held during the school year: Day of the Dead (Nov. 1), Epiphany, and Children’s Celebration.

Adult Faith Formation

• Hearts A Fire program is continuing. There are two more seasons before a one month break, after which the group will plan a work of mercy.

• White House Retreat Sept. 7-10.

• Feast Day Novena is Aug. 13 – 21. Education Commission is hosting Friday, Aug. 18. The theme is “Happy Hour” and setup will be 4:30-4:45pm.

o Opening and closing prayer: Barb

o Scripture reading: Karri

o Rosary: Linda B.

o Reflection reading: Karen

o Litany: Linda A.

o Singing: Marilee and Kelly (😊)

For the food/drink:

• Linda B.: Sliders + favorite wine

• Karen: Sausage crisps, flavor packs, ice, and buckets +favorite wine

• Linda A.: Chips and dips +favorite wine Michele: Pinwheels + favorite wine

• Marilee: Plates, cups, napkins + favorite wine

• Karri: Meatballs + favorite wine

• Barb: Fruit and cheese + favorite wine

• Kelly: Veggie tray + favorite wine

Family Life

Nothing to report. and Library

No report.

Renewal Movement

No report.

New Evangelization

Linda B. would like to use a bulletin board to display facts about the faith to increase interest and awareness.

OCIA and Catechesis

No report.

Pastoral Council Report

No Council meeting since the last Commission meeting. A draft of the Parish Stewardship Guide from the Diocese was reviewed today. With the four pillars of stewardship that the Diocese is promoting, there will be some rearrangement needed among the Commissions’ responsibilities and, as a result, updates to the charters will need to happen at some point in the future. For now, we wait for the next step from the Diocese.


• Parish Scholarship – Barb requested that the applicant’s email address be included on the application form. Michele and Barb will look to see if they have the Word file to make the change.

• Michele’s gmail problems have been resolved.

Next Meeting

No meeting in September.

October 5, 2023 at 5:30pm   Prayer Leader: Marilee.  Hospitality Provider: Kelly