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Family Faith Formation

February 25, 2024

Weekly Family Assignment

  Here we are in the Lenten season. It is a time for increased spiritual reflection, almsgiving and fasting. The third and fourth graders have been given boxes for almsgiving. One way to reinforce their understanding of this experience is to help them add to their boxes. If they have given up candy for Lent as an example, and you usually provide that candy for them, would you consider giving them the money that you would normally spend on that treat so that they can add it to their box? Just that simple gesture sets a pattern for stewardship that they will be learning at an early age. Though other grades did not receive these collection boxes, you parents may want to follow the same practice and ask your child to add that money to the weekly collection basket. This will create a habit that will continue through their lives showing them the importance of helping others through personal sacrifice and giving.


· Wednesday, February 28—Stump the Pastor for parents, 3-12 graders, and parishioners. Seventh grade will have Confirmation class as scheduled.

· Sunday, March 17—Donut Sunday after 8:00 and 10:00 Masses. Donations made help defray the cost of NCYC 2025.

  If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the parish office (573) 365-2241 ext. 4 or on my cell phone (816) 210-8223…. Michele Haggerty, DRE.