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Family Faith Formation 

December 15, 2024

   Wednesday, December 18 we will be offering a family Advent Reconciliation Service. We will be serving soup, salad, and desserts from 5:00-6:00 with the Reconciliation Service to follow. If you would be interested in assisting with a soup, salad ingredient, or dessert, please contact Kelly Hamrin in the parish office (573) 365-2241 to sign up.

Here’s a reminder of the little things we can all do to make a difference in someone’s life each day:

· Make Someone Smile—Monday

· Treat Someone with a Compliment—Tuesday

· Worship with Vigor—Wednesday

· Thank the Lord—Thursday

· Forgive Others—Friday

· Surprise a Loved One—Saturday

· Sing at Mass—Sunday (If you are a Saturday Mass family, swap Saturday and Sunday;)

· Sunday, December 15 – 9:30 – all 5th and 6th graders are welcome to come and practice and then sing in the choir at the 10:00 Mass. We will be offering this opportunity to all 5th & 6th graders on the third Sundays of each month for the remainder of the school year.

· Sunday, December 15—Donut Sunday/Youth Sunday after 8:00 and 10:00 Masses. ALL YOUTH get a FREE Donut! Donations help defray the cost of sending our high school youth to National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in November 2025.

· Wednesday, December 18—6:00 Reconciliation Service/from 5:00-6:00 a Soup, Salad, and Dessert bar will be offered. Reconciliation Service will begin at 6:00. If interested in assisting with the soup, salad or dessert, please contact Kelly Hamrin in the parish office.

· Wednesday, December 25—Merry Christmas

· Wednesday, January 1—Happy New Year

· Wednesday, January 8—5:15-7:00 back to FFF after the holidays.

Questions or comments, please call Michele Haggerty, DRE at (816) 210-8223 or (573) 365-2241 ext. 4.