Family Faith Formation Corner, Sept. 10, 2023
Many Thanks!
Wow, what a great turn out for the BBQ/Registration on Wednesday night! Thank you to the families that came and regis- tered. I hope you were able to get your questions answered. If not, please give me (Michele) a call at (573) 365-2241 ext.4 or (816) 210-8223. I am always available by cellphone.
Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus and the Ladies Auxiliary for the delicious hotdogs, fries and desserts! You pushed the evening over the top!!
Thank you to the brave youth and adults that were willing to stand up front during the homily. Your courage made for a very vibrant celebration of Mass!
My gosh! I just want you all to know how exciting it is to be here among you sharing the faith. What blessings God has in store for all of us as we begin this new year of Family Faith Formation.
Oh, and we can’t forget…thank you to all that donated to and/or assisted with Donut Sunday last weekend. It was a great success.
- September 13—First Family Faith Formation Night 5:15-7:00pm
- September 18—7th-12th grade Hope House 9:00-12:00
- September 20—Stump the Pastor 6:00-7:00pm
- September 24—Donut Sunday after both Masses
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the parish offifice (573) 365-2241 ext. 4 or on my cell phone (816) 210-8223…. Michele Haggerty, DRE.