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Family Faith Formation Corner

What do Doughnut Sundays and NCYC have in common?
Through your generous donations on Doughnut Sunday, this parish can send several high school students to the National Catholic Youth Conference in November. I wish that all of you could join us there. To see tens of thousands of teens from all over the country worshipping together is an amazing experience. Imagine sitting in a huge stadium filled with young people during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament… you could hear a pin drop. The reverence and spiritual atmosphere gives me chills just remem- bering. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Our next Doughnut Sunday is next week, August 20.

ATTENTION ALL Kindergarteners-High School Seniors
The summer is almost over! It sure went by fast. We will be kicking
off the Family Faith Formation program with a BBQ and registration on Wednesday, September 6 from 5:15-7:00. Our program will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:15-7:00. We will offer practical ways to live out the Sunday Gospel at every age level, including on the parent level.

• August 20—Doughnut Sunday after both Masses
• August 23—Catechist Meeting 6:00-8:00pm (new date)
• September 3—Doughnut Sunday after both Masses
• September 6—Wednesday evening Mass will move to 5:30
• September 6—FFF BBQ and Registration 5:15-7:00pm
• September 13—First Family Faith Formation Night 5:15-7:00pm
• September 18—7th-12th grade Hope House 9:00-12:00
• September 20—Stump the Pastor 6:00-7:00pm
• September 24—Doughnut Sunday after both Masses

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the parish office (573) 365-2241 ext. 4 or on my cell phone (816) 210-8223…. Michele Haggerty, DRE.