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Feb. 22, 2022 Worship and Spiritual Commission Minutes

Minutes, Worship Commission

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO

Diocese of Jefferson City Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Call to Order:

Kathy Cotter called the 5:15 pm meeting to order with Annette Miller, Tony Kirn, Kari Brauman, Carol Branson, Lorraine Harrison and Mary Scarlett in attendance.

Opening Prayer:

Lorraine Harrison opened the meeting with a prayer.


​Kari Brauman provided refreshments.

Minutes of the Last Meeting:

​Marilee Poulter published meeting notes from January 25th on the parish website.

Worship Committee Leadership: (Cheri Helms)

​Cheri Helms unable to attend the meeting.

Request for Wednesday evening Mass celebrated in the church during Lent to accommodate the number of students attending the Mass.

Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)

​Lenten preparations.

​Lenten guide is available that covers Ash Wednesday thru Holy Saturday.

​No communal penance service this year but Fr. Medina will set up extra times to hear confessions.

Ministry of Hospitality: (vacant)

​Actively seek someone to serve this Ministry.

​Mass Coordinator is responsible to check that all Ushers are in attendance.

Head Ushers assures that there are Ushers for each entrance, ask parishioner to take up the gifts and after Mass secure the donations.

Ministry of Reader: (Carolyn Lorraine)

​Carolyn Lorraine unable to attend the meeting.

Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)

​Steve Jannetti unable to attend the meeting.

Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)

​Nothing new to discuss.

Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Annette Miller, Tony Kirn)

Annette Miller will begin to count the hosts and be responsible for informing church office secretary when hosts need to be ordered.

Possibility of having adult Altar Servers with experience or willing to be trained.  Tony Kirn will meet with Fr. Medina to discuss.

Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul)

​Deacon Paul unable to attend the meeting.

Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)

​Debbie Noland unable to attend.

Altar Servers: (vacant)

Parish Digital Communications: (Kari Brauman)

​Includes Streaming, Facebook posts, website posts.

​A Steamer should be available to serve at the 10:00am Sunday Mass.

Liturgical Formation of the Assembly(Fr. Medina)

​Fr. Medina unable to attend the meeting.

Stations of the Cross at 4:00 in the church.   3/11 Deacon Paul – 3/18 Knights of Columbus – 3/25 Deacon Jim – 4/1 Lady Knights – 4/8 PSR (Parish School of Religion)

Next meeting:

Next meeting March 22nd.

Kathy Cotter will be the prayer Leader.

Steve Janetti will provide hospitality items.

Closing Prayer

Lorraine Harrison prayed a closing prayer.

​Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm

Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett