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February 23, 2021 Minutes, Worship Commission

Minutes, Worship Commission
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO
Diocese of Jefferson City Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Call to Order:

Annette Miller called the 6:36 PM meeting to order with Msgr. Marion Makarewicz, Deacon Paul Poulter, Debbie Noland, Steve Jannetti, Mary Scarlett, Kathy Cotter, Tony Kirn, Carolyn Lorraine, Zuzanna Stipanitz, Paulette Spriggs and Mary Wagemann.

Opening Prayer:

Msgr. read the Commitment to Mission prayer.

Annette Miller opened the meeting with Prayer and Reflection.  Act of consecration to St. Joseph.


​No refreshments during virtual meeting.

Minutes of the Last Meeting:

​The January 21, 2021 Minutes were approved.

Worship Committee Leadership: (Annette Miller)

​Annette Miller led the meeting.

Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)

​Msgr. Mak suggested two draw string bags for purificators which were sewn by Kathy Cotter and put into use.

​New stainless steel cart to transfer vessels in sacristy.

​Candle extenders to use up six inch candles.  To be used for daily Mass and Adoration. Two will be purchased.

​It was suggested we box up Gather Hymnals in Fellowship Hall because the weight of books is bending tables in the middle.  Msgr. Mak would like us to hold off on that for the time being.

​Distribution of Palms procedures from diocese.  We will prepare bundles of palms, blessed and distributed to people in pews.  Msgr. Mak will talk to deanery about sprinkling people with palms.  

​Will train three new Lectors on 2/24 right after daily Mass.

Ministry of Hospitality: (vacant)

Ministry of Reader: (Carolyn Lorraine)

​Unable to attend meeting.

Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)

​3/19 virtual presentation of new music will also be on website. Will also be announced in bulletin.

​Worship aides for Holy Week worked on by Steve.

Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)

​David Gregg would like to wait a couple of months before getting commissioned to be a Eucharistic Minister.

​Sarah Wolfe has been trained to be a Eucharistic Minister and commissioned.

​Mary Wagemann will send out reminder in MSP to Eucharistic Ministers about giving blessing.

​Lee Pearson interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister in our parish and to the homebound.

​Matthew Brauman, an altar server, is also interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister.

Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn, Annette Miller)

​Tony Otto and Tony Kirn Mass coordinators for 10:00 Mass and Kathy Cotter is the Mass coordinator for the 5:00 Mass.​

​Record number of host that are consecrated.

Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul Poulter)

Deacon Paul is using new cart in sacristy.

Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)

​People are good about finding a substitute for Friday Adoration.  Times of Adoration will be announced in bulletin.  Would like to get people to commit until 4:00.

​Year of St. Joseph Holy card have been ordered

​Monastery icon stuff has good quality statues and framed 8×10 pictures to hang on the wall.  Would like to offer a statue or picture for parishioners to have in their households. Msgr Mak will write up promotion to present to parishioners.

Altar Servers: (Zuzana Stipanitz, Paulette Spriggs)

​Not able to attend.

​Paulette Spriggs communicated the following via email.

​A time needs to be scheduled for altar server training.  Perhaps after Osage spring break which ends March 21st.

​Four altar servers are available to serve during the confirmation Mass.

​Paulette would like to be contacted if there is anything she needs to do to prepare for Easter week.

Liturgical Formation of the Assembly(Msgr. Makarewicz)

​Holy Week Mass schedule – Possibly have large crowd for Easter.  Might have to add 8:00 am Mass.  Will watch weekend attendance to try to predict Easter Sunday attendance. Holy Thursday at 7:00, Good Friday at 7:00 Easter vigil at 8:30.  All will be live streamed.  Easter Sunday 10:00 with a possibility of an 8:00 Mass. Mary Wagemann will ask Shawnee Creek winery to not play outside music between 8:15 to 8:45.  Bishop strongly suggested not having the washing of the feet however Msgr. Mak will check with deanery.

​Low attendance at Stations of the Cross.  

Next meeting:

Next meeting is March 23, 2021.

Tony Kirn will be the prayer Leader.

Closing Prayer

​Annette Miller prayed a closing prayer.

​Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm

Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett.