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From the Pastor’s Desk: 2 June 2014

   The Most Holy Eucharist is the Source and Summit of who we are as Church.  On the night before He died for us, Jesus gifted us with the Gift of His Most Precious Body and Blood under the appearance of Bread and Wine. May this day renew for us our love and desire for the Eucharist and strengthen us in our faith and belief of this Most Holy and Divine Gift. The Eucharist, meaning thanksgiving, is truly a thanks- giving sacrifice May we become what we receive: a thanksgiving sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God our Father.

I have some tough news to share that I didn’t anticipate. On Wednesday, May 29th, I was informed that I have a mass in the right frontal temporal lobe of my brain. By the time you read this, I will have had surgery to remove the mass at the University of Missouri Hospital in Columbia. I have great confidence in my surgeon, Dr. Carr, and my surgical and care team in Columbia. I will be in the hospital for several days after the surgery. While I will not be able to have visitors, I would appreciate your prayers and spiritual support. Joan Wolf and the staff have been indispensable during the past few weeks as we have been searching for answers. I appreciate their diligence and discretion. They will keep the parish updated on my progress and work with the Diocese to see that the needs of parishioners here at Our Lady of the Lake are met. Please be patient with all of us as we still have more questions than answers at this time. Thank you in advance for your prayers.