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From the Pastor’s Desk: 25 February 2024

Second Sunday of Lent

   When God puts us to the test, do we reply, “ready” or with some other word or phrase?  One in relationship with God must always be ready and willing in times of trial and testing to endure whatever may come, for these moments are opportunities of grace, a time when we entrust ourselves to God and His love.  Never once has God withheld His love from us.  We should never withhold our love and trust from Him.  Let us rely on the Lord and follow His commands.

   This morning at the 10:00 o’clock Mass, Mallory Walsh will participate in the Penitential Rite (Scrutiny) as the Candidate acknowledges her sins and failings and will be freed from those things that keep her from entering into a loving relationship with God.  Let us continue to keep Mallory in our prayers as she continues her journey to Full Communion in the Catholic Church at this year’s Easter Vigil.

   This Friday, March 1st, the newly installed Stations of the Cross in the chapel, donated by Susan Andres, will be blessed at 4:00 p.m. followed by the praying of the Stations.  Everyone is welcome to this special opportunity of prayer and blessing.