Traveling Vocations Crucifix Signups
Please continue to sign up!! We are asking Parishioners/Families to sign up to take the Vocations Crucifix home for a week and say prayers for Vocations for the Priesthood and Religious Life. There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for you to reserve a week for the Vocations Crucifix. We want to continue this throughout the year. Only 52 families needed.
You will pick up the Crucifix at Mass either Saturday night or Sunday morning. The crucifix should be returned to the Welcome Center in the Fellowship Hall on the following Friday or before Saturday evening Mass.
Sample prayers will be provided, or you may make up your own prayers or say a rosary, but all for the intentions of God calling those to serve as a Priest or to the Religious Life.
Also, a journal will be provided if you want to document your experiences for that week. Please prayerfully consider taking a week.
For more information, please contact Marlene Matyshak —314-791-1924 or Barb Steinman — 573-406-3885.