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June 2022 Newsletter, Our Lady of the Lake K of C Ladies Auxiliary #9273 

Ladies Auxiliary #9273

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church

Lake Ozark MO 65049

June  2022 K of C Ladies Newsletter 

• The Installation of Officers and celebratory dinner is June 21 starting at 6:30. The next business meeting is July 19, 2022.
• The May meeting minutes are also being shared via email. 
• THANK YOU to all who have assisted with our breakfasts. Next breakfast is July 3. Help is needed each breakfast, but we are anticipating a crowd for this one. Please assist us if you can. 
• We are currently selling raffle tickets for the quilt donated in honor of Steve Jannetti’s mom. Thanks to Theresa Brown for manning the table at our breakfasts. Let me know if you need tickets; I will have them at our installation and July business meeting. 
• HOPE HOUSE Lady Knights Volunteer Days: we chose JUNE 16 and JULY 14 as days for our Lady Knights to check out the Hope House volunteer duties. This is for any member interested in becoming a volunteer OR even those that do volunteer to offer our assistance and future assistance to the store. Annette Miller says they could really use the help ANY DAY they are open– closed Tuesdays and Sundays.  Meet at the church parking lot at 9:00 am on June 16 or July 14 to carpool to Hope House. We will work until 2 and then plan lunch out. Feel free to drive yourself and we will meet you there.  Wear your Knights shirt if you have one!
• Speaking of Knights shirts- this is the last call for the three shirts we still have available for sale.  $30.45   Large long sleeve, Xl long sleeve, and 3XL ¾ sleeve.  Let me know if you are interested in one.
• I am working on a design for a t-shirt now. Will share info at our July meeting. 
• SUNSHINE MISSIONARY UPDATE:  Colleen and I have met to create a draft of policies for our sunshine missionary efforts. This info will be shared, discussed and voted on at our July meeting. 
• We will have our Christmas in July shoeboxes ready at our July meeting.
• Father Medina retires at the end of the month.
• LAST, congrats to our newly elected treasurer Mary Scarlett and her hubby Bob on the birth of your first grandchild. They are in England enjoying time with their son and sweet grandson. So sweet!
• God is good all the time. All the time God is good.  Thank you for your membership and support.

See you at the installation, Hope House volunteer day and July 3 for the next breakfast!

Enjoy your daily blessings

Karen Blevins, President