Knights of Columbus #9273 Newsletter for March 2021
Newsletter for March 2021
Grand Knight: Gary Chaput
Deputy Grand Knight: David Hotop
Chaplain: Monsignor Marion Makarewicz
Chancellor: Mike Scherer
Financial Secretary: Larry Bayless
Treasurer: Ernie Pither
Recorder: John Weidler
Warden: John Akscin
Inside Guard: Greg Thompson
Outside Guard: David Kneeter
Advocate: Hank Sateia
1 Yr. Trustee: Don Koch
2 Yr. Trustee: Charles Cassmeyer
3 Yr. Trustee: Luke Graessle
Lecturer: Gunther Skaletz
23 March 2021
Hello Brother Knights,
Please continue to let Monsignor Makarewicz, Deacon Paul and Deacon Jim and the Office Support Staff Kelly Hamrin & Mary Wagemann, Choir Director Steve Jannetti, Director of Religious Education Vicki Irsik and Maintenance John Riley know how much they are appreciated and to thank them for their ongoing support during this difficult time. Please continue to pray for our Bishops, Monsignors, Priests, Deacons and Seminarians.
Monsignor is asking Parishioner’s to assist Our Lady of the Lake with our ministries at all Masses. Please consider all factors in your decision if you would like to volunteer to serve during this time.
For those who determine they are comfortable and want to serve, would you please let Mary or Kelly know which Masses and which ministries you are willing to assist with via email or calling the Parish Office at 573-365-2241. They will then schedule you and send out a weekly email to those assigned that week along with the protocols for Ushering and Being a Eucharistic Minister during this time.
Starting on March 31st Monsignor Makarewicz will be leading a new consecration group for all those who wish to make a 33-day retreat in preparation for a personal consecration to Saint Joseph on May 1. There were ten men who made up the first consecration group following the book by Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC. Please contact the parish office if you would like to participate. I attended the first consecration group, and it was interesting and rewarding. I would encourage everyone to take the time for this retreat.
Interesting article in the February issue of the Columbia Magazine about Retired Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and his accomplishments for the Knights the last 20 years. If you have not read it yet, I think you will enjoy reading it. Please keep him in your prayers as he moves forward.
Please continue to pray for our New Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly. Patrick has dedicated his life in service to the Church. his country and the Knights of Columbus.
Forty Days for Life started Feb 17 and go until March 28th, 2021. Please continue to pray, that this will be a successful event especially for all who taking part in it and for their safety. Also please continue to pray for the unborn.
Holy Thursday Mass 7 PM April 1st, Good Friday Mass 7 PM April 2nd, Holy Saturday Mass 8:30 PM April 3rd, Easter Sunday Mass 8 AM & 10 AM April 4th and Divine Mercy Sunday is 11th April.
Midwest March for Life “To Honor and glorify Jesus Christ” Missouri State Capitol, Jefferson, City is on Wednesday April 14th, 2021. Contact information is Mrs. Cathy Forch her number is 573-821-5730.
- 8:00 A.M. Capitol Prayer Walk – Meet Bonnie Lee, Open Heart Baptist, 1st floor Capitol rotunda: prayer cards will be distributed, prayer teams assigned offices, pray for the Legislators, Executive officers, families, and staff; leave a card of encouragement.
- 8:00 A.M. Rosary / Divine Mercy – Meet on the steps of St Peter Church; look for Gregory Thompson with life size cross. Fr Anthony Viviano will lead Rosary.
- 9:00 A.M. Knights of Columbus arrive. Place for dressing will be announced.
- 9:15 A.M. Pre-Rally with speakers on Capitol South Lawn
- 10:00 A.M. March begins leaving from Capitol South Lawn
- 11:00 A.M. Rally (on the South Lawn)
- 12:00 Lunch
- 2:00 PM Closing
Council News
The Knight wish to thank an Anonymous donor for the generous contribution to our council.
Our next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 20th, Rosary 6:30 and meeting starting at 7 PM in Bestgen Hall. Monsignor will lead us in the Rosary. Social distancing and mask are required for meetings in Bestgen Hall.
The Officers Planning Meeting was held on March 1st using the Zoom app. Our next Planning Meeting is scheduled for April 12th at 7 PM in Bestgen Hall. Social distancing and mask are required for meetings in Bestgen Hall.
During the month of March, our council welcomed one new member Charlie Corbett. He moved to the Lake from Washington Mo. and is currently not married. His Father is a Knight, and he will be moving to the Lake area within the year. When you see Charlie in Church please welcome him to our Parish and the Knights Council.
May 18th is Election of Officers; I am asking 3rd Degree Knights to step up to the plate and hold an officer’s position. Especially those who have not held a position in the past. Also asking our new transfers to consider stepping up and volunteer, this is an excellent time to do. The positions are Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, Treasure, positions for Life, Faith, Family and Community Directors or any other position. John Akscin has agreed to be a candidate for Grand Knight. If anyone is interested in the Grand Knight Position or any other position, please let me or any council officer know ASAP.
The Virtual Exemplification of the 4th Degree using the Zoom app will be on Monday March 31 at 7 PM and on Sunday May 16th at 2 PM. This is a great opportunity for those who are thinking about becoming a 4th Degree Knight. If you are interested in the Exemplification, please contact George Parise at 573-280-0357 or Mike Petro at 309-824-2452 who will have you complete a Form 4 and collect money for the Degree.
Our council is looking for a new Chairman for our Donut Sundays. What is involved is contacting individuals, making a quarterly schedule for volunteers, and ordering donuts. Those who volunteer would put donuts on plates and serve donuts and coffee after 8:00 and 10:00 Masses. This is an activity that members and their spouses can help with – If you can help please let Gary Chaput at 573-723-0514 or email me at
Gary Chaput and John Akscin will be our delegates to the one-hundred-twentieth annual meeting of the Missouri State Council Knights of Columbus that will be held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday April 23, 24, 25, 2021 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, 415 West McCarty, Jefferson City, Missouri. Convention delegates and alternates must be sent in before March 20, 2021.
Attached is a photograph of the students who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Knights of Columbus Poster Contest for Drug and Alcohol Substance Abuse Contest. The School of Osage Upper & Middle Schools winners of the Poster contest were published in the Church bulletin on February 6th & 7th. Special thanks to the Teachers, Students, our Chairman Kent Rackers, Judge Coordinator and Recorder Mary Dorge and to the Judges for all their hard work to make the poster contest possible.
The Lady Auxiliary has asked that we send out the attached pamphlet for information & membership to the Auxiliary. The main reason for this is that many new Knight members and transfers are not aware that there is a Ladies Auxiliary group. The requirements to be a Lady Knight is any Catholic Lady over the age of 18 can join the Auxiliary regardless of affiliation with the Knights. This is the new State Requirements, which changed at last year’s Convention. Many states do not have a Lady Auxiliary Council. We could not do what we do without the Lady Knights, Thank you Lady Knights.
Please Support Local Council Area Fish Fry’s listed below:
St Anthony Knights of Columbus Council is in Camdenton is at the Knights of Columbus Hall
Please Support Local Council Area Fish Fry’s listed below:
St Anthony Knights of Columbus Council is in Camdenton is at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 547 West Hwy 54. Fish Fry 5:00-7:00, PM will be a walk thru hall and get to go, price $10.00.
St Patrick Knights of Columbus Council in Laurie, located at 176 Marian Dr, Laurie will be a drive thru only, 4:30-6:30 PM, price $5.00.
Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus Council in Eldon, located at 540 N. Mill St 65026 will be drive thru only, 5-7 PM, price $10.00.
Please continue to pray for our Country, Monsignor, Parish Community, Families, and all those who are in the Medical Profession, and First Responders. Also pray for our Faithful departed Brother Knights and Lady Knights, and all our sick members. (Monsignor Wilbers, Deacon Paul Poulter, David Gregg, John Weidler, Gary Kelly, Gunther Skaletz, Gordon Russell, Joseph Schutzenhofer, Clark Gruninger, Frank Medved, Louis Noland, Terry Bayliss (Larry Bayliss brother), Jim Powell, Wanda (Wife of Grand Knight Gary Clark in Elden), Debbie Noland, Mellodi Graessle, Lucille Needham, Jeanne Rackers parents, Mary Russell, Nancy Callahan, and Colleen Parise. Also, for or the repose of the soul of Ron Kinnison; and for the comfort of his beloved wife, Lisa, and their four children; (Ron was a friend and co-worker of John Akscin & David Hotop). Also, for the repose of the soul of Tom Ranft (Sue Welker’s father); and for the comfort of his beloved family.
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen.”
Remember to pay your annual Knights dues for 2021.
Thanks for what you do for our Parish and our Community. Peace be with all and God Bless.
Gary Chaput
Grand Knight