Knights of Columbus Council # 9273 Newsletter for July 2019
Grand Knight; Gary Chaput
Deputy Grand Knight: David Hotop
Chaplain: Monsignor Marion Makarewicz
Chancellor: Mike Scherer
Financial Secretary: Larry Bayless
Treasurer: Ernie Pither
Recorder: John Weidler
Warden: Tony Boes
Inside Guard: Greg Thompson
Outside Guard: David Kneeter
Advocate: Hank Sateia
1 Yr. Trustee: Don Koch
2 Yr. Trustee: Charles Cassmeyer
3 Yr. Trustee: Luke Graessle
Lecturer: Gunther Skaletz
17 July 2019
Hello Brother Knights,
Last month we had the following officers installed. We had a great dinner and installation. Thanks to all that were involved.
Last night 16 July, we had our April K of C Council meeting. The following summarizes the meeting:
Monsignor Makarewicz talked about Novena to honor the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are sign-up sheets available in the Welcome Center for every night of the Novena 13th August leading up to the Feast Day August 22nd. There is still a need of 3 more Host Houses. Monsignor has asked that some Knights consider leading a Novena. Contact Kelly in the office or Kathy Cotter.
Monsignor also talked about the Pregnancy Help Center in Camdenton. The Social Concerns Commission would like to invite everyone to the presentation on the Lake area Pregnancy Help Center at 6 pm Thursday July 25th in the Fellowship Hall. Charles Cassmeyer mentioned that there may be some funds set aside for the center and the 25th of July would be a good time to present them. Grand Knight checked with the Financial Secretary Larry Bayless and he stated that funds were budgeted and approved for $125.00, which will be presented to the Pregnancy Help Center by Tony Boes at the meeting on the 25th of July.
Monsignor also asked the Knights to please stop by the office and introduce yourself to our new Office Support Staff Mary Wagemann and he talked about the new lock system on the door near the office. He mentioned that there will be a sign displayed if the door is unlocked.
Administration Committee reported that the telephone in Bestgen Hall near the kitchen will be removed due to the high cost and lack of use.
There is still one position open for Retention Chairman that needs to be filled by 1 August. If this is not filled, I will have to appoint someone for this position. If you are interested, please contact Grand Knight Gary Chaput at 573-207-0153. Deacon Paul Poulter has agreed to become our Community Director, Family Director is Gary Kelly and Outside Guard is David Kneeter.
All Trustees need to attend the planning meeting Monday August 5th at 7 pm to complete the Semi-Annual Council Audit Form #1295. The Audit is due on the 15th of August.
Next Breakfast #5 is 21st July and #6 is 4 August. We’ll need help.
Sunday August 11th is Knights of Columbus Picnic. The Knights will cook the meats for picnic. The Ladies Auxiliary will provide the side dishes. Will need help cooking meats, maybe Tom Zeigler, Luke Graessle, Dave Miller & Myself. (See attached Flyer for more details.)
KOC Donuts on July 14th was for Parish Charity and on July 28th for Hope House. Monsignor has agreed to make special announcement on Donut Sundays where the donations will be going to.
Our Council will Host a District Deputy Summer Meeting on 18th July at 7 PM, at Bestgen Hall. This is mainly for Council Officers, but everyone in the council is invited to attend.
Our Past Seminarian Brad Berhorst was Ordained as a Priest Father Brad Thomas Berhorst on the 29th of June 2019 at The Cathedral of St. Joseph Jefferson City, Missouri. Our Council needs to vote on a new Seminarian. Charles Cassmeyer is looking for a new Seminarian for our council to support.
Vicki Irsik, Director of Religious Education is asking for help. With the increase of our Hispanic Community she needs help with Class Aids, Food for Snacks, Volunteer for Instructors, gathering contact information for other families in need. This is truly a ministry for all of us and a chance to live our call to Service. If you are interested, please contact Vicki.
One thing that our Council needs to work on is to educate our members Brother Knights and Ladies Auxiliary about the Safe Environment program. Everyone can go online and complete this training. All you must do is go online to WWW.KOFCORG/SAFE. Click on Safe Environment Program Details Module for information about program. For Training Click on “For Members in These Roles” or “For All Other Members”. For “All Other Members” use Registration Code kofcsafe. For Members in These Roles, their Training Modules must be requested. Those that are required to take Online Module Training and Dashboard are Grand Knight, Program Director, The Family & Community Directors are required a Back-Ground Check and Online Training Modules.
Deacon Paul Poulter shared about KOC Council in Brunswick, Mo. where they had standing water in their church and council area from the flood. A motion was made and seconded and voted on for a donation of $200 to help them with the cleanup.
Fourth Degree will Host our Shriners/Knights Dinner the 15th of August at Bestgen Hall, 6:00 Social, Meeting 7 Pm. Council members are welcome to attend (Men only), please RSVP NLT 8 August to order food. RSVP to Grand Knight Gary Chaput at 573-207-0153.
For the Good of the Order, please remember our Faithful departed Brother Knights and all the sick. (Monsignor Wilber’s, John Weidler, Mike Scherer, Gunter Skaletz, Darron Donley, Frank Medved and our new transfer Paul Kautin.
Next Planning Meeting is 5 August, 7 Pm.
Our next meeting is August 20, we will have rosary at 6:30, regular meeting at 7 pm.
Thanks for what you do four our Parish and our Community. Peace be with all and God Bless.
Gary Chaput
Grand Knight