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May 2020 Newsletter, Our Lady of the Lake K of C Ladies Auxiliary #9273

Ladies Auxiliary #9273

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Osage Beach Mo. 65049

May Newsletter

We held a May meeting with the officers only on zoom.  Karen opened the zoom meeting with Melodi, Linda, Jan, Colleen, were able to attend the meeting.  Pam, Annette, Arlene, and Betty were unable to reach the meeting. 

I wish to thank all my officers for the support they have given me for the last 2 yrs.  And for the other members in the group who were also supportive. Please give Melodi the same support as she will be the new President for one yr.  Melodi will be President come July 2020 to June 2021.  This will be my last newsletter and Melodi will be doing one from July on. 

The card party will not be held due to the COVD19 Pandemic.  We will try another fundraiser down the line. 

Elections and installation are planning to be held in June.  Will be checking with David Groth and Msgr.  As to the date in June.

Pretty much everything is at a standstill or canceled until we are able to meet in person.  I will be letting Mary at the Church office know who the new Officers are so she can put them on the website. 

The Ladies Auxiliary for the state did have there meeting on May 9, from 9 AM to 11:00 AM. 

The new by laws as to whom can be an Auxiliary member has changed.  Anyone who is 17 and a half and older and is in good standards with the Catholic Church may now be a member of the Ladies Auxiliaries.   So now it is wife of Knight, daughter of a Knight, granddaughter of a Knight.  If the lady does marry, a non-Catholic she will not be qualified any longer to be a member of the Auxiliary.  Members who are Auxiliary at present will stay as Auxiliary.  Angels will become Auxiliary members and be able to votes and hold positions as they will be a full auxiliary member.  I few know a widow of a Knight especially we need to see if they want to be a member if they are not.  This is one way we can keep our auxiliaries.  This comes in to effect 1 July 2020.

They talked about have a baby shower, fish fries and Breakfasts to help the Knights Tootsie Roll drive and to have the tootsie rolls ordered by Aug 20th.

Special Olympics the building is due to reopen with just staff at the end of the month.  The summer game for the athletes has been canceled for the yr.

They mention the auxiliaries that have had 75 yr., 50 yr., 25 yr., 20 yr., 10 yr.,

Along with 51 other councils our Lady of the Lake 9273 was recognized for our donations to different agencies.

Area meetings were discussed and there should be a letter coming out.  There is  a meeting in Laurie, Mo. At St Patrick’s Catholic Church on Sept 13, 2020 for the President and the officers who may want to go.

Mentioned the Youth and Lady of the Year.

They mentioned total Donations of all auxiliaries of 236,773.06

Total volunteer hours of 256,706.63

Donations to Vocations was 18,958.50

For the state we have gained 111 members and have lost 9 our total membership is 3,007. We were mentioned as having 4 new members.


Karen Chaput