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March 23, 2021, Worship Commission

Minutes, Worship Commission.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO.
Diocese of Jefferson City Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Call to Order:

Annette Miller called the 6:30 PM meeting to order with Msgr. Marion Makarewicz, Deacon Paul Poulter, Kathy Cotter, Carolyn Lorraine, Steve Jannetti, Mary Scarlett, Tony Kirn, Debbie Noland, Zuzana Stipanitz and Mary Wagemann.

Opening Prayer:

Msgr. read the Commitment to Mission prayer.

Tony Kirn opened the meeting with Prayer and Reflection.  


​No refreshments during virtual meeting.

Minutes of the Last Meeting:

​The February 23, 2021 Minutes were approved.

Worship Committee Leadership: (Annette Miller)

​Annette Miller led the meeting.

Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)

​Candle joiners are on order and will be put into use at Adoration.

​Palm Sunday palms will be in urns in front of main entrance. Need people beyond Ushers to hand out the palms. Some palms will be set aside for the Spanish Mass at 6:00pm Sunday.

​Confirmation April 22nd.  Msgr. Mak will find out if red drapes could continue to be on display.  Bishop will use chapel for preparation. Extra cleaning will be done to prepare for the Bishop’s arrival.

​Due to near full capacity at 10:00am Sunday Mass, Ushers will ask singles to sit in the middle of the pew to allow for seating for more people. Singles sitting in the middle of the pew will be integrated into announcement before Mass begins. Mary Wagemann and Msgr. Mak will communicate with Ushers on how to seat a large crowd.

Stream of Mass will be shown in Fellowship Hall with no sound.

Purificators for priests and deacons at weekend masses are being placed on stands at the front of the sanctuary.

Ministry of Hospitality: (vacant)

Ministry of Reader: (Carolyn Lorraine)

​Thank you to Kathy Cotter who trained three new Lectors.  Two of those newly trained have also been commissioned. 

Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)

​Working on worship aides for Holy Week.

​Hymnals are back in church.

​March 19th was the presentation of new music. Perhaps every quarter we could invite people to introduction to new music.

​Not ready to put children’s books in the pews.

​It was discussed that we seat fully vaccinated people in separate section of the Church.  Since we do not have enough space to do this, we will not set special seating for folks that have been vaccinated.

​We missed solemnity of the dedication of our church this year.  We need to get this on our calendar.  March 20th is an annual celebration of our church.  Can’t take the place of a Lenten Mass.  Will be on February agenda of Worship Commission for next year and every year thereafter.

Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)

​Msgr. Mak sent out an email regarding Eucharistic Ministers giving blessing to folks in the Communion line.

​Lee Pearson and Matthew Brauman have been trained and commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers.  Mary Wagemann will schedule new Eucharistic Ministers for April.

Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn, Annette Miller)

​Training of Mass Coordinators helpers has made huge difference in purification after Mass.  People are available to be Mass Coordinators when we start having 8:00 Mass.

​Number of consecrated hosts left after Mass is at acceptable level.

​Helpful if Altar Servers could come earlier to Mass start time.

​Put something in bulletin to see if anyone is interested in being trained to be a Mass Coordinator.  Tony will contact people who have been Mass Coordinators in the past to see if they would be available to resume those duties currently.

Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul)

​There is a need for a refresher course on what to do when entering the Church i.e. bow or genuflect.

Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)

​Extended adoration hours.  Now have a substitute person to call in regularly scheduled person is sick or unable to attend.

​This is the four year anniversary of prayer committee.

​St. Joseph cards available are now available and in the church ready to be picked up.

​Would like to have some symbol of St. Joseph in every parishioners home.  We are looking into offering either a substantially sized picture or a statue that could be purchased thru the church.  Options are a St Joseph 10 x18 canvas for $19.95 or a sleeping St Joseph statue available for $21.95.  Encourage everyone to have a statue of picture of St. Joseph in their home if they don’t already have one.  Mary Wagemann will get forms ready for parishioners to order canvas or statue.

Altar Servers: (Zuzana Stipanitz, Paulette Spriggs)

​Altar Servers and Streamers are available for Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter.  Once serving as Streamer they prefer that to Altar Server.

​Msgr. Mak will talk with Viki Irsik about recruiting Altar Servers.  

​We will be able to have an Altar Servers party this summer.

Liturgical Formation of the Assembly(Msgr. Makarewicz)

​Possible in person meeting next month in Fellowship Hall.  Email will be sent out asking who feels comfortable meeting in person.  A decision will be made and members of the commission will be notified.

​Purificators will be on the Altar for Deacons and Priest who will be distributing Holy Communion.

​Overflow from 10:00 am Mass this Sunday will be seated in the Fellowship Hall.

​During the summer, we may be able to take off the ropes and everyone can sit in all the pews but everyone will have to wear a mask throughout the service.

​Holy water is permissible this year.

Next meeting:

Next meeting is April 27, 2021.

Steve Janetti will be the prayer Leader.

Closing Prayer

Msgr. Mak prayed a closing prayer.

​Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm

Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett.