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March 28, 2023, Worship Commission Minutes

Minutes Worship Commission, Tuesday March 28, 2023
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark MO, Diocese of Jefferson City

Karri Brauman called the 4:00pm meeting to order with Deacon Paul Poulter, Kathy Cotter, Steve Jannetti, Carolyn Loraine, Tony Kirn, Debbie Noland and Mary Scarlett in attendance.

Opening Prayer:
Prayed the Commitment to Mission

Debbie Nolan provided hospitality
Minutes of the last meeting:
Marilee Poulter published the meeting notes from the February 28th on the parish website.

Worship Commission Leadership: (Karri Brauman)
Karri Brauman conducted the meeting.
Review of calendar for April, May and June.
Goal setting for this year. Worship Committee will take responsibility to welcome new parishioners. Possibly start monthly pot luck dinner for new parishioners. New parishioners pictures and name in bulletin.
Pastoral Council talked about strategy to integrate new parishioners.
Terms of Members of Pastoral Council will be staggered. Pastoral Council will integrate calendar from all Commissions.

Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)
Confirmation went well.
Holy Week decorations will be same as in the past. Ushers will hand out the palms at the 5:00pm Saturday and 8:00am Sunday Masses. Palms will be available In Bestgen Hall for the procession into the Church at the 10:00am Mass weather permitting.
No music from Gloria on Holy Thursday until Gloria on Easter Sunday.
Presentation of Blessed Oils when gifts are brought to the Altar on Holy Thursday. Adoration on Holy Thursday will be until 10:00pm.
Good Friday service will bring Blessed Sacrament back into the Church.
Low key lighting for Easter Vigil until people find their seats. At start of Mass lights will be completely extinguished. North and South wings will be closed for the Easter Vigil, Holy Thursday and Good Friday due to attendance.
New Baptismal font in Church.

Ministry of Hospitality: (Lorraine Harrison)
Unable to attend the meeting.
Majority of Ushers have completed Virtus training.
Usher, Reader and Eucharistic Minister pamphlets will be reviewed by Leaders of Ministry and these people will remain responsible for training.

Ministry or Lector: Carolyn Loraine)
Will work on updating pamphlet to show sequence of events for Lectors.

Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)
First Communion will be bilingual.

Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)
Public commissioning this past weekend.
Will work on updating pamphlet to show sequence of events for Eucharistic Ministers.

Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn)
Person interested in being trained to become a Mass Coordinator.
Any changes in phone numbers or email addresses should be updated in the office.

Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul)
The Creed and Our Father was presented to the Catechumens by Fr. Penn. Two or three pews will be reserved for the Catechumens for the Easter Vigil.
People bringing Communion to the nursing homes and hospital will have name tags with their first name and Our Lady of the Lake Church.

Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)
Adoration on Friday is short staffed.

Altar Servers: (vacant)
Mass Streamer: (Karri Brauman)
Streamers are scheduled for Holy Week and Karri is the backup.

Next Meeting:
April 25th 2023
Lorraine Harrison will be the Prayer Leader Lorraine Harrison will provide hospitality items

Closing Prayer:
Closing Prayer
Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett