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Marian Marathon of Prayer

The month of May calls us to turn our attention to the Blessed Virgin so that we may grow in our appreciation of her service to the Gospel in bringing the Word into the world. May is the time for us to examine our own discipline of prayer and meditation and learn from Mary about true holiness. Our Lady of the Lake will begin the month of Marian devotion by placing a crown of flowers on the statue of Mary in the sanctuary of the church. The crown and a bouquet of flowers at her feet will remind us throughout the month to ask for Mary’s intercession more frequently and more fervently. This year after communion at Sunday Mass, the congregation will sing the hymn “Be Joyful Mary”, which is an English translation of the Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven), the prayer that is said in place of the Angelus and after night prayer during the Easter Season.

Our Holy Father Francis is urging the faithful and in a special way all the Marian Shrines throughout the world to beseech Mary’s assistance in dealing with the devastation that the COVID pandemic has caused. Many areas throughout the world continue to struggle with this crisis. Praying the rosary during the month of May and making a special intention to Our Lady, Health of the Sick, asking her aid in beseeching God to bring relief to so many who are suffering. I encourage everyone to add the Litany of Loreto to their daily rosary as significant expression of our confidence in the Mother of God.