May 23, 2023 Worship Commission Minutes
Our Lady of the Lake Worship Commission Minutes
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 4:00 pm
Opening Prayer : The Commitment to Mission was prayed by all.
Worship Commission Leader – Karri Brauman
Karri went over the calendar for June, July and August.
June 11 Feast of Corpus Christi – No procession due to the Knight’s breakfast at Bestgen Hall. Next year save this date on calendar if want a procession. Question of having extra adoration after Mass. Steve will ask Father.
June 18 Immaculate Heart of Mary will be celebrated.
August 13-22 Queenship of Mary Novena for Parish feast day.
August 15 Assumption of Mary Holy Day of Obligation. Aug. 14 Mass 6 pm, Aug. 15 8 am and 12:05 pm
Ministry of Art & Environment – Kathy Cotter
Preparing for Pentecost, Holy Trinity, Feast of Corpus Christ
Kathy will put notice in bulletin about parishioners having flowers at altar
Steve brought up Pentecost will be the simple form of readings
Ministry of Hospitality – Lorraine Harrison
Usher training this evening
Ministry of Reader – Carolyn Loraine
Second training was held May 18.
Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers (EM) of Holy Communion – Mary Scarlett out of town
Second training was held May 11.
Steve reported that approval by the Bishop is not back on a number of people. It might be August before another commissioning service can be held.
Discussion held on EM commissioning and having enough for every Mass during summer season.
List of commissioned EM ministers is in the sign-in binder.
Questions Steve will ask Father:
—Can EM ministers whose previous commission has not expired and have been to training, just waiting for new commissioning continue to serve until re-commissioned?
—Several people went to first training and were on the approved list to be recommissioned but were unable to attend Mass the weekend those were done. (Sick or having surgery are examples). Could those people be commissioned now to increase number available?
If not enough EM ministers at a Mass, communion will just take longer using who is present.
Ministry of Mass Coordinator/Sacristan – Tony Kirn
Tony asked to please ensure that all people on the MSP schedule are approved/commissioned and ready to serve at Mass.
Ministry of Music & Song – Steve Janetti
New lectionary may be out next year.
Queenship Novena discussion held. Sunday, Aug 13 – Tuesday, Aug. 22. All novenas will start at 5:00 pm (what about Sat., Aug 19? 5 pm Mass. 6:00 pm for that one?)
Sunday, Aug. 13th and Sunday, Aug. 20th novena will be at 5:00 pm before the 6 pm Spanish Mass with fellowship after Mass. Karri will talk to Rosa.
Monday, Aug. 14th novena before Holy Day 6 pm Vigil Mass with fellowship following.
Tuesday, Aug 22nd celebration will be at 8 am Mass.
Will finalize other items at July Mtg.
Order of Christian Initiation & the Sacraments – Deacon Paul Poulter
OCI is complete for this year. With two catechumens, several additional rites were celebrated with them this spring.
Deacon Paul will talk to Father about advertising late summer for next class.
Prayer & Devotions – Debbie Noland
Praise, Petition, and Intercession picture for directory- Decision to use one taken at recommissioning and list names of all members.
Holy cards for Father’s Day – Steve will share options with Debbie and order the ones shape wants.
This group doing a spiritual bouquet for Father Penn for his 20th anniversary of ordination.
Parish Digital Communications – Karri Brauman/Marilee Poulter
Steve asked if live streaming should continue in light of dispensation from Mass being lifted by the Bishop. Karri reports numbers of people watching the live stream at the time of Mass monthly to the office. Average of 10-25. Discussion held. Group feels the value of seeing their parish community for those who are unable to attend is worth the resources for streaming.
No June Meeting – Next Meeting is July 29, 2023
Closing Prayer : The Pastoral Plan Prayer was prayed by all.
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Marilee Poulter.