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May 25, 2021 Worship Commission

Minutes, Worship Commission.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO.
Diocese of Jefferson City Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Call to Order:

Annette Miller called the 6:40 pm meeting to order with Msgr. Marion Makarewicz, Deacon Paul Poulter, Kathy Cotter, Carolyn Lorraine, Steve Jannetti, Mary Scarlett, Tony Kirn, Debbie Noland, Lorraine Harrison, Paulette Spriggs and Mary Wagemann.

Opening Prayer:

Paulette Spriggs opened the meeting with a prayer.
Msgr. read the Commitment to Mission prayer.


​Annette Miller provided refreshments.

Minutes of the Last Meeting:

​The April 27, 2021 Minutes were approved.

Worship Committee Leadership: (Annette Miller)

​Annette Miller led the meeting.

Presentation of St Joseph canvas to Msgr. Mak.

Suggest keeping 2019 budget in place since 2020 was an unusual year.

Requisition forms were distributed.

Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)

Ropes in church removed from South and Center sections.  North section will be available for social distancing at the 8:00am Sunday Mass.

Wooden chairs are back in church.  Two rows of blue chairs set up behind pews for extra seating.

Baskets ready for passing.  

Holy water available in fellowship hall.

Chapel cleaned and blue chairs are in Bestgen hall ready to be cleaned and then returned.

Ordinary time back with green banners behind Altar.

Flowers from Easter have been planted in back garden.  Ad in bulletin for helpers to maintain garden.

Possible streaming in chapel for overflow on busy holiday weekends.

Removed reserved signs in pews for Eucharistic Ministers.

Return of sign-up sheet and crosses to identify Eucharistic Ministers

Ministry of Hospitality: (vacant)

Need Hospitality coordinator now more than ever.

Msgr Mak appreciates all those that have stepped up to serve as an Usher.

At Usher meeting it was decided that we will continue to have Greeters at each door.  

Still need Ushers inside church to help people find seats.

At the 10:00 am Sunday Mass Ushers are definitely needed.

Head Usher would make sure collection is combined and brought up during Offertory.

Head Usher and one other Usher would bring up bread and wine.

Will begin again to pass the collection basket.

Head Usher will secure collection and another Usher will put collection in lock box.

Bulletins available during Communion as people leave Mass. Not available before Mass.

Suggest use of name tags for Ushers.

Cleaning pews after Mass is no longer in practice.

Ministry of Reader: (Carolyn Lorraine)

Pam Scherrer would like to be trained as a Lector.

Adjust microphone to point to your chin to ensure Readers are heard.

Possible Zoom meeting for Readers to review procedures.

Reader will continue to do announcements before Mass.

Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)

We will have a Corpus Christi procession after Mass.

Cantors are beginning to come back to serve at Mass.

Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)

Sara Barlett trained and commissioned. Vicki Irsik will train on bringing Communion to students at CALO.

List of Eucharistic Ministers that would be interested in taking communion to homebound and /or hospital is needed.

Notice in bulletin and/or email to people willing to take communion to homebound, hospital and nursing homes.

Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn, Annette Miller)

Mass Coordinators are keeping up with weekly changes at Mass.

June is time of year we have recruited servers in past years.

Will continue to use clothe with hand sanitizer for the distribution of Holy Communion.

Ladies available to clean purificators will be contacted.

Streaming Coordinator is new role for each Mass.

Signed streaming contract back from Bishop’s office.

Will continue to stream daily Mass for homebound.

Contract for streaming does not include chapel.

Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul)

Ended RCIA program for the year with a review of the Sacraments.

RCIA will start again in the fall.

People have stepped forward as helpers with the divorced Catholic seminars.

​Two young people brought into the church as adults.

Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)

​PPI breakfast on June 3rd to encourage and renew.  Breakfast will be provided by Marilyn Daly.

Should Adoration of Blessed Sacrament hours be shortened to 8:30 to 1:00 due to lack of people to serve. With parish of our size, we should be able to have at least two people from 8:30 to 4:00.  Adoration will move back into the chapel in June.  Continue to grow number of people participating in Eucharistic Adoration.  Will keep hours of Adoration from 8:30 to 4:00.

Novena for the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Altar Servers: (Zuzana Stipanitz, Paulette Spriggs)

​An appreciation Server party will be planned – possibly Big Surf.

​Msgr. Mak will host a pizza party for Altar Servers – date to be determined.

​Servers will wear mask during Mass.

Liturgical Formation of the Assembly(Msgr. Makarewicz)

​Confessional set up and is no longer in cry room.

Next meeting:

Next meeting is June 22, 2021.

Mary Scarlett will be the prayer Leader.

Carolyn Lorraine will provide hospitality items.

Closing Prayer

Paulette Spriggs read a Reflection.

Msgr. Mak prayed a closing prayer.

​Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm

Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett.