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Minutes, Worship Commission Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO Diocese of Jefferson City Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Call to Order:

Annette MIller called the 6:00 PM meeting to order with Msgr. Marion Makarewicz, Deacon Paul Poulter, Kathy Cotter, Debbie Noland, M, Carolyn Lorraine, Vicki Irsik,and Mary Wagemann.

Opening Prayer:

Opening prayer from Mary Scarlett read by Deacon Paul.

Minutes of the Last Meeting:

            June 30, Minutes approved as sent out

Worship Committee Leadership: (Annette Miller)

Annette Miller led the Worship Committee meeting.

Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)

            Kathy Cotter – hand sanitizers are in church now and people are using.

            Making covers for funerals for cremains that come in cardboard boxes

Ministry of Hospitality: (vacant)

No Report        

Ministry of Reader: (Carolyn Lorraine)

No report.

Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)                                                              

Monsignor – singing in general.  Should there be minimal singing due to COVID, should people keep masks on while singing and/or the whole time in church.  Annette brought up recommendation of 12 ft. Distancing if you are singing. After discussion, tabled at this time.

Monsignor will talk to Steve about Hymnals and Singing and put out information to Worship Commission for their review and feedback

Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)

No report

Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn, Annette Miller)

            No Report

Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul Poulter)

Recent Zoom meeting with RCIA current candidates. Candidates will suggest topics of interest for further study

Text being used is Well Built Faith, by Fr Joe Poprocki, combined with Bishop Barrons Catholic teachings.

No further response to call for new members.

Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)

Deb Nolan’s Report:

Discussed ADORATION on Fridays and that those who sign up are very faithful and concerned about hours being filled and/covered.

Mentioned a program by Jim Penfold on ‘Contemplative Prayer’

A family for whom our prayer list was following was touched by our efforts for them. Our prayer list is effective and far-reaching.

33 Days to Morning Glory, the Consecration to Mary program is being undertaken by 15 women. Kelly Hamrin, facilitator

Consecration to St Joseph program is being undertaken by 10 men. Msgr Mak, facilitator

Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Sat/Sun Aug 22,23

  • Nine sessions beginning Aug 13. Streamed daily at 7:00 pm, concluding Aug 22
  • Will include rosary, prayers and litany. Music will be coordinated by Steve Janetti
  • Will not take place in homes of the faithful; a host/host family will stream from church.
  • Deb Nolan will organize a sign-up for volunteers to host a session.
  • Msgr will compose a bulletin article
  • Kathy Cotter will consider altar decorations; suggested parishioners bring flowers to donate to Our Lady for the occasion.

Altar Servers: (Zuzana Stipanitz, Paulette Spriggs)

No Report

Liturgical Formation of the Assembly: (Msgr. Makarewicz)          

  • Continued Streaming for Mass
    • Msgr will review procedures necessary for continued, long-term streaming
  • Formal RFP will be submitted to companies for estimates pertaining to a total audio-video system
  • AV System would be of benefit to many ministries within the parish
  • Parishioners need to become digitally engaged with access to church ministries

Next meeting:

Next meeting is Tuesday August 25, 2020 at 6:30 via Zoom

Kathy Cotter will be the prayer Leader.

Closing Prayer

Deacon Paul closed the meeting with a prayer.