November 28, 2022 Worship Commission Minutes
Minutes Worship Commission
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark MO
Diocese of Jefferson City, Tuesday November 29, 2022
Call to Order:
Karri Brauman called the 5:00pm meeting to order with Fr. Penn, Deacon Paul, Marilee Poulter, Kathy Cotter, Steve Jannetti, Carolyn Loraine, Tony Kirn, Lorraine Harrison and Mary Scarlett in attendance.
Opening Prayer:
Prayed the Commitment to Mission
Carolyn Loraine shared a reflection
Carolyn Loraine provided hospitality
Minutes of the last meeting:
Marilee Poulter published the meeting notes from the October 27th on the parish website.
Worship Commission Leadership: (Karri Brauman)
Karri Brauman conducted the meeting.
Kathy Cotter added a tile top to stand in niche for Book of Remembrance.
Email and phone number list distributed for all members of the Commission.
Calendar distributed for upcoming worship and events.
Hispanic community will do a Novena for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
We will invite members of the Hispanic community to join the Worship Commission Committee.
Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)
North Wing is closed. Suggest we close the North Wing the week before Thanksgiving for 2023 to make room to store the donated presents from the giving tree.
New people have volunteered to help decorate the Church for Christmas.
Ministry of Hospitality: (Lorraine Harrison)
Ordered badges for the Ushers. Badges will be kept in a basket on the table with the Eucharistic Minister crosses.
Work will be done to review and update the Usher manual.
Manuals for Mass Coordinator and Usher will be reviewed before being used for training.
Ministry or Reader: Carolyn Loraine)
Readers can decide if they want to stay up at the ambo between the two readings or sit down.
Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)
Starting in January we will use Conception translation for psalms.
At Wednesday night Mass a new Holy Holy was sung.
Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)
Father Penn will review the commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers in the new year.
Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn)
Separate meeting established to define specific duties of a Mass Coordinator.
Fr. Penn will reach out to individuals to consider becoming a Mass Coordinator.
Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: ( Deacon Paul)
Rite of Acceptance was held for 2 catechumens on Thursday Nov. 17
Scrutinies in Lent will be held during Thursday morning Mass.
Seven people committed to bring Communion to nursing homes and hospital.
Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)
Karri Brauman will send out invitation to the Welcome group to consider joining PPI ministry.
Novena for Church Benefactors next year.
Altar Servers: (vacant)
PSR students are Altar Servers at the Wednesday Mass celebration.
Five Altar Servers are needed in March for Confirmation.
Mass Streamer: (Karri Brauman)
Work with Marilee and Kathy to update church/sanctuary pictures for streaming and websites.
On non PSR Wednesday the Mass will not be streamed.
Liturgical Formation of the Assembly: (Fr. Penn)
To commemorate the World day of the sick, on February 12th during the 10 am Mass the sick will be anointed. Another Priest will come in to help with the anointing.
Next Meeting:
January 24th 2023
Karri Brauman will be the Prayer Leader
Steve Jannetti will provide hospitality items
Closing Prayer:
Closing Prayer
Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett