November 30, 2021, Worship and Spiritual Commission Minutes
Minutes, Worship Commission
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Lake Ozark, MO
Diocese of Jefferson City Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Call to Order:
Mary Wagemann called the 5:00 pm meeting to order with Fr. Medina, Deacon Paul Poulter, Kathy Cotter, Debbie Noland, Steve Jannetti, Mary Scarlett, Kari Brauman and Cheri Helms in attendance.
Opening Prayer:
Fr. Medina opened the meeting with a prayer.
Refreshments provided by Kathy Cotter.
Minutes of the Last Meeting:
Marilee Poulter published meeting notes from November 2nd on the parish website.
Worship Committee Leadership: (Cheri Helms)
Ministry of Art and Environment: (Kathy Cotter)
December 8th split services – 8:00am in chapel and 6:00pm in church.
Poinsettias ordered for Christmas.
Candle needed and have been ordered.
Ministry of Hospitality: (vacant)
Ministry of Reader: (Carolyn Lorraine)
Unable to attend the meeting.
Lectors have picked up 2022 books.
Ministry of Music and Song: (Steve Jannetti)
Cathedral in Jefferson City have stopped issuing worship aids. During the week, only seven people watching streaming on weekends only ten. We will use worship aids on hand. Steve Janetti will handle printing Hispanic worship aids.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass will be Saturday December 11th.
Antiphon started on November 28th.
Discussed custom hymnal for diocese.
Some new procedures regarding Adoration are expected to come from diocese.
Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (Mary Scarlett)
A notice will be put in the bulletin, people who need to be recommissioned must do so before the end of the year. All Eucharistic Ministers due to be recommissioned must arrange to be recommissioned in order to be on the 2022 Eucharistic Minister schedule.
Weekend Masses without Deacon will have three Eucahristic Ministers scheduled.
Music Ministers will receive communion with Eucharistic Ministers.
Sacristan and Ministry of Mass Coordinator: (Tony Kirn)
Unable to attend the meeting.
Two silver ciboriums will be used for the South side and larger gold one and one from the tabernacle are for the center. Mass Coordinators will have a smaller ciborium to give communion to people in the back of the church.
Rite of Initiation and the Sacraments: (Deacon Paul)
No current RCIA members will be ready to receive the Sacraments this Easter.
Candidates are meeting the last Monday of the month at 6:30.
Prayer and Devotions: (Debbie Noland)
Two new people joined PPI group.
Advent novena will not take place this year.
Epiphany chalk kit will be available at the church doors on January 1st.
Altar Servers: (vacant)
Most parents of children old enough to be Altar Servers are not available to bring their children to Masses.
Mass Streamer: (Kari Brauman)
Grant money may be available to fix streaming depending on cost.
Grant application has been made for this coming year.
Liturgical Formation of the Assembly: (Fr. Medina)
Fulton Sheen books available for Christmas at the exits the weekend of 12/04 and 12/05. After discussion with staff the distribution of this book is under Education Commission and they will determine when to distribute.
Next meeting:
Next meeting January 25th.
Mary Scarlett will be the prayer Leader.
Mary Scarlett will provide hospitality items.
Closing Prayer
Mary Scarlett prayed a closing prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Mary Scarlett.