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Novena starting Oct. 22 – Father McGivney Beatification

On October 31, Father Michael McGivney is to be named “Blessed” by Pope Francis.

That day, the Church will declare what many have long believed — that the holy soul of Father McGivney can intercede for us before the throne of God.

His Life 1852-1890

Decades ahead of his time, Father McGivney had a keen sense of the layman’s unique vocation, needs and potential contributions, and he drew his people into the life and activities of the parish. This respect for the laity led Father McGivney to found the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal organization for Catholic men, in 1882.

Knights of Columbus

To learn more about the life of Father McGivney, click here.

Beatification October 31

To learn more about the upcoming beatification of Father McGivney, visit

Novena October 22-30 — Join us

In the past, miracles have occurred for those who pray at the time of a beatification. So, as we count down the days to this amazing event, we invite you to join brother Knights and Catholics across the world in praying a special novena from Thursday, Oct. 22, to Friday, Oct. 30. 

The brand new novena features commentary on the life of Father McGivney, as well as unique petitions and daily intentions close to our founder’s heart. We hope that through these prayers and petitions many will be brought closer to God and that we ourselves may renew our love of God and neighbor.

A downloadable version of the novena can be found here. You can also sign up to receive a daily email, which will include the unique petitions and prayers for each of the nine days of the novena. Click here for details.