Novena to Mary, Aug. 13-21
Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth
Most Holy patroness for Our Lady of the Lake Church
In honoring Mary under the title of Our Lady of the Lake, our Church continues the ancient custom of naming churches after the Mother of God. We have chosen to celebrate our patroness under the title, Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, on August 22. A special Mass will be celebrated that Monday evening at 7 pm.
The practice of novenas to prepare for the celebration of a feast is an ancient custom. To appropriately prepare for our patronal feast day, a novena of prayer will be held August 13 through August 21. All parishioners will be invited to participate in the most basic manner of saying specific prayers each day during the novena. We will also gather people together and pray each evening in the church. This evening gathering consists of the reading of a lesson, songs, the praying of the rosary and the praying of the Litany of Loreto.
Sign up in the Fellowship Hall at Church. More information on our web page…
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If we truly understand the nature and scope of the community of saints, we would realize that the patrons of churches are very important members of the parish community. Parishes should turn to their patrons frequently to honor their holiness, learn from their example, and gain their intercession in time of need.
St. Alphonse Liguori is among the many saints who explained the appropriateness of the title. He writes, “Because the Virgin Mary was raised to such a lofty dignity as to be the mother of the King of kings, it is deservedly and by every right that the Church has honored her with the title of ‘Queen’.”
Taken from introduction to daily novenas.