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Our Lady of the Lake Administration Commission Minutes, May 25, 2023

Our Lady of the Lake

Minutes of the Administration Commission Meeting

May 25, 2023

The meeting was opened with a prayer. Attendees included Bob Cotter, Luke Graessle, John Riley, Susan Spica, and Tom Ziegler.

The meeting minutes for March, 2023 were reviewed and approved.  

Old Business:

1. Long-Range Planning Committee Update:  All drawings have been returned from the Architect.  Long-Range Planning activities are on hold.

2. Update on Rectory Roof Replacement – Bids were reviewed and the job will be awarded to Elite Roofing and Siding for a cost of $14,798.  Insurance will pay over $12,000 of the cost.

3. Stained glass window report:  In the last meeting we decided to Replace exterior sealant, close/seal frames and wash the stained glass at a cost of $27,474.  When this was communicated to the bidder, they reported that the initial bid, which included a new protective coating, included the cost of scaffolding and since we are not buying the protective coating they will have to re-bid the job.

4. Doors on north and south wings:  Tom looked at the north side during a windy rain and he believes we need to caulk the inside and outside threshold with silicone and it will fix the majority of the issue at a low cost.

5. Status of glass in doors to comply with Virtus: The three new doors we needed have been installed.  The materials needed to place windows into the remaining doors have been bought and will be installed when time is available to install them.

6. South Outside Stairs:  We revisited the proposed solution for the outside stairs on the south side of the church.  It was decided that we would replace the existing stairs from the parking lot to meet code.  Also, the stairs from the  to the front of church which are damaged will also be replaced and brought up to code.

New Business:

During a Parish Council meeting it was brought up that the entrance door from the east side that accesses the office area and church does not have an electric door opener for handicapped or wheelchair access.  Although this is not required, Tom received an estimate for that entrance, an entrance on the street side of the church (both doors), and both bathrooms.  The cost would be around $5K/door and that does not include the electrical work that would be required.  Tom will talk to Father Penn about this as there are normally greeters before masses and during the day and there is an intercom to the office that can be used during the week.

The next meeting will be June 22, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.  We will discuss budget items for the next year.  The meeting was closed with a prayer.

Submitted by Luke Graessle