Our Lady of the Lake Minutes of the Administration Commission Meeting April 29, 2020
Our Lady of the Lake
Minutes of the Administration Commission Meeting
April 29, 2020
This meeting was done on Zoom due to state stay at home order due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Monsignor Makarewicz. Attendees were Charles Cassmeyer, Bob Cotter, Eric Brauman, Robert Adams, John Riley, Brian Hamrin, Larry Buschjost, Jim Tapella, Luke Graessle and Monsignor Makarewicz. Tom Ziegler, Duke Dorge and Marty Mayer was not present.
Minutes from the March 2020 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
- Collection Procedures: Luke reported that we had a pedestal made and the safe will be installed on Monday May 4th. Monsignor commented that we need it in place for Masses that will start back up during the week of May 4th.
- Security/Alarm Systems – Locks: Installation of the new locks by Osage Lock is on hold until work restrictions are lifted.
- Well House: A new electrical control box and new wiring has been installed to make it electrically safe. Any additional upgrades will be included into a long-term plan.
- Pastoral Plan: The input to the Bishop for our Pastoral plan has been delayed to June 1st.
- Planned Giving: The meeting (happy hour) that was scheduled for April 17th was cancelled and will be scheduled for a later date.
- Internet Service: The new internet service is in place and is working well.
- Parking Across the street: – Monsignor placed an article in the bulletin asking people not to park across the street and explaining the problems that have been occurring. This article will be repeated once we open the church back up.
- Goals: We will discuss goals for next year in our next meeting.
- Long Range Plan Update: Connell Architecture has received drawings and are scanning them for future use. When we can we will meet with them and they need to take some measurements for validation. They are reviewing our input and are ready to start more detailed discussions for development of our long-range plan.
- Rectory: We have a plan for upgrading the Rectory. It has not been upgraded for approximately 25 years and is showing wear and tear. Improvements will include addressing the front of the building above the garage where woodpeckers are a problem. There are several options to address this issue. We will also upgrade the kitchen with new cabinets, appliances and flooring. Flooring on the main floor will be replaced. Painting and drywall will be repaired and upgraded. A window needs to be replaced and other miscellaneous repairs will be performed. Estimated cost for all repairs and upgrades is $35K.
New Business:
- Covid 19 parish status: The Bishop has provided guidance to restart masses. There will be restrictions to meet the recommendations for social distancing and there will be other temporary requirements such as wearing masks and not passing collection baskets. Monsignor will distribute the Bishop’s guidance to Administration Commission members. It is anticipated that masses will resume the week of May 4th. Masses will continue to be live streamed for people who can’t attend masses.
- Projects for next fiscal year:
- Rectory upgrade – Tom will be the lead person for this.
- Safety improvement – Eric will be the lead person for this.
- Installation of permanent equipment for streaming masses – Brian will be the lead person for this.
The next meeting will be May 28th, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by: Luke Graessle