Our Lady of the Lake Minutes of the Administration Commission Meeting June 25, 2020
This meeting was done on Zoom.
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Monsignor Makarewicz. Attendees were Charles Cassmeyer, Bob Cotter, Eric Brauman, Robert Adams, John Riley, Brian Hamrin, Tom Ziegler, Larry Buschjost, Luke Graessle and Monsignor Makarewicz. Duke Dorge, Jim Tapella and Marty Mayer did not participate.
Minutes from the May, 2020 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
- Security/Alarm Systems – Locks: New locks have been installed on all exit doors from the Church, Fellowship area and Education areas. These doors all can now be opened from a common key. There were five keys made and three have been issued. Keys will be controlled. Normal access will be via the entrance by the Parish offices using a key fob.
- Long Range Plan Update: The goal is to complete the long-range plan in calendar year 2020 and pursue the first project on the plan in early 2021. Money has been placed in the 2020/2021 fiscal year budget for design of a project during the first half of 2021. Assumptions had to be made to come up with the dollar amount for design and that was done in conjunction with the Architect that is assisting with the long-range plan. The next step will be a meeting with the Architect in July.
- Rectory: New cabinets and flooring have been ordered and bids are out for electrical work. There will also be some painting and drywall work. It is estimated that this project will be complete in August.
- Permanent Streaming: Monsignor is working on a proposal to have equipment installed for streaming of Masses on an ongoing basis. The first step will be to discuss with the Worship Commission.
- Goals: Goals were discussed. Eric will obtain estimates for outdoor camera for surveillance of parking lots and outdoor areas around the church facilities.
- Covid 19 update: Additional guidance has been provided from the Diocese and the controls we have in place will remain. The only change is we will implement are opening every other row of pews and we will allow parishioners up to age of 65 assist with activities.
New Business:
- Budget – Charlie briefly discussed the 2020/2021 budget and asked for input from the Administration Commission.
The next meeting will be July 23, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by: Luke Graessle