Our Lady of the Lake, Minutes of the Administration Commission, April 15, 2021
Our Lady of the Lake
Minutes of the Administration Commission Meeting
April 15, 2021
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Monsignor Makarewicz. Attendees included Charles Cassmeyer, Bob Cotter, Robert Adams, Brian Hamrin, Tom Ziegler, John Riley, and Luke Graessle. Eric Brauman attended remotely. Laura Nelson and Larry Buschjost were excused.
Minutes from the February, 2020 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
1. Long Range Plan Update: Luke presented a proposed site plan drawing that has been developed by the architects. This plan provides for elevated parking at or near the church level using several tall retaining walls and adds approximately 70-75 additional parking spaces. The plan provides for many more handicapped parking spaces immediately adjacent to the building and many additional close parking places for physically impaired people. It also sets the stage for future erection of a better education facility and a multipurpose building to replace the existing hall. The Administration Commission will continue to work with the architects to develop a long-range plan for the entire facility. It is important to note that we are working on a long-range plan at this time and no approvals or actions will be taken to initiate design or construction without Parish communication, funding and approvals at the Parish and Diocese levels.
2. Report on conversation with Scott Nelson concerning contracts and leases for snow removal: Tom has talked to Scott Nelson concerning how we are billed for snow removal and salting of the parking lot. It is not clear how we are being charged. The snow removal and salting are adequate and the only issue is we don’t fully understand how we are being billed. John stated he will talk to another provider to see if an alternative is available. It was commented that we should put the contract out for bid with several providers including Scott Nelson.
3. Permanent Streaming: Monsignor sent an email prior to the meeting discussing two options for equipment for streaming of masses in the future. Monsignor recommended the lower cost option due to familiarity with the technology. The Administration Commission approved the selection of the lower cost option. To accommodate this equipment, we will need to cut a hole in the brick in the back of the church and install a viewing window for a small control room for the people who will run the equipment. This will be done in the storage room across from the men’s restroom at the Bagnall Dam Boulevard entrance to the church. Additionally, an elevated platform will be needed to be built in that room so the people who are operating the equipment will be able to see over the congregation. Also, a window will need to be placed in the door that enters that small room. Tom will contact a brick company to look at what we will need to do to cut a hole in the brick for a viewing window. Once that hole is cut we can procure a window, build the platform and place a window in the door.
4. Security Cameras: The equipment has been procured and is ready to be installed. Installation should occur in the near future.
5. Network Infrastructure: A green sheet has been initiated to procure the hardware to get internet into Bestgen Hall. Additionally, some work needs to be done to update email addresses.
6. Capital Expenses: Charlie reviewed the status of capital expenses for this fiscal year. The following summarizes the status of our larger capital projects:.
a. Rectory Complete
b. Long-Range Plan In process.
c. Parking Lot Will be evaluated for need to fill cracks.
d. Streaming Project Should be complete by the end of June.
e. Security Cameras In process.
f. Safety Ladder Not procured yet. Tom discussed a Baker Scaffold at Menards that may meet our needs. He will get a price.
g. Hazmat Cabinet Not yet procured.
New Business:.
a. Facilities Preventive Maintenance Activities: John reported actions taken and other issues that need to be addressed. Bob will work with John and review actions needed and they will be discussed in the next meeting.
b. Review of Green Sheets: Green sheets impacting the Administration Commission that are greater than $500 now need to be approved by the Chairman of the Administration Commission. There were no green sheets in this category for this meeting.
c. Review of Sanitation Rules for the Church due to the Pandemic: There are no updates at this time.
The next meeting will be May 20, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
Monsignor closed the meeting with a prayer.
Submitted by Luke Graessle