Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council

Serving the parish with vision, advice and expertise

1.      Vision:  The Pastoral Council of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church is a group of parish leaders who are identified as suitable collaborators with the pastor for the good of the Church by their lives of faithful service, dedication to the sacraments, expertise in organizational functioning.

2.      Mission:  The Pastoral Council of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church assists the pastor in his decisions by providing a forum to identify the important dynamics in the faith life of the congregation; discern appropriate pastoral responses; and implement policies, procedures and programs for the common good. The members are the primary group of parishioners whom the pastor consults on the pastoral reality of the parish.

Rebuilding for the Future

On Sunday morning, February 5, 2023, at 10:00 am Mass the members of the council were installed.  They are as follows:

  • Linda Adams (Education, Chair);
  • Luis Campos (Hispanic Ministry);
  • Gay Ann Christy (Stewardship, Secretary);
  • Rosa Aguilar Gasca (Hispanic Ministry);
  • Glenda Hinrichs (Social Concerns);
  • Brandy Hutzler (at large);
  • Tony Kirn (Worship);
  • Tony Otto (at large); and
  • Tom Ziegler (Administration).

We congratulate them as they assume new roles in parish leadership.

Joining the Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is composed of representatives from each of the commission plus appointed members from the parish at large. Parish staff and clergy other than the pastor serve in advisory roles. The best way to get involved is to volunteer for service with one of the commissions, where membership is opened to all parishioners. Read more about the commissions from the links below or the Commissions menu.