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Parish Pastoral Council Minutes, Feb. 23, 2023


February 23, 2023

Attendees:           Fr. Penn (Pastor), Tony Kirn (Worship Rep), Gay Ann Christy (Stewardship Rep), Glenda Hinrich (Social Concerns Rep), Linda Adams (Education Rep), Tom Ziegler (Administration Rep), Rosa Aguilar Gasca (Hispanic Ministry), Luis Campos (Hispanic Ministry), Joan Wolf (At-Large Member), Tony Otto (At-Large Member), Brandy Hutzler (At-Large Member)
5:30  5:35Opening• Prayer                                                                          • Approved Minutes –minutes from the 1/31/2023 meeting were   distributed on 2/2/23, after a motion to approve by Glenda Hinrichs and second by Brandy Hutzler.    Linda    
   Gay Ann
5:35 – 5:40Worship Commission Report• Area for Guadalupe display in church is ready.• Commission is coordinating with Father Penn to prepare foractivities around Holy Week and Confirmation.• A plan is evolving around the ministry of hospitality – greeter and usher responsibilities.• Commission is bringing together a 3-month planning calendar to ensure activities are identified and coordinated accordingly.    Tony K. 
5:40 – 5:45Stewardship Commission Report• The Stewardship Commission is in the early stages of formation.• Father Stephen W. Jones, Diocesan Director of Stewardship will be at Our Lady of the Lake on March 16, at 6:00 PM to host our Parish Stewardship meeting.  • We have about 70 individuals signed up for coordinated small groups and a number of families participating in our Grateful Living Small Groups for Lent.     Gay Ann
5:45 – 5:50Social Concerns Commission Report• We currently have 32 members on the Social Concerns Commission led by Deacon Jim• There is a ministry to families and to those in need called Salva Vida Outreach.  Salva Vida meaning Lifeguard (Saving Life).  • Deacon Jim has an office to meet with people in the community in need of help.  There are Commission members that are vetted who can also meet with people when Deacon Jim is unavailable. Examples of outreach activities include:o A lady and two children who were homeless and needed a two-night stay in a motel until Helping Hands Homeless Shelter had a place for them.  o A man and child who needed a place to stay for two nights while their apartment was cleaned for mold.  o A man who was starting a new job and needed four nights of lodging.  o The Commission has gas cards, Woods gift cards and housing available.   o The Commission offers funeral dinners, compassion meals, and kindness meals to parishioners, (9 meals were delivered today).  o Twice a year they deliver cookie trays to those in nursing homes (July 4th and Christmas).o There is a ministry of health and well-being.  Commission members call and check on a couple of ladies and a couple of gentlemen.  One gentleman is given a ride to Hope House once a month for groceries and supplies.o There is a ministry for protecting life.  We have a very big involvement in supporting the Pregnancy Help Center in Camdenton.  We started supporting the Bottle for Babies initiative and donations grow each year.o This Commission sponsors the Annual Parish Trivia Night.  This year’s Trivia Night will be on Saturday, March 4 and will support The Changing Table.  o In October each year, the Commission supports the 5K fund raising event.  Last year a donation of $500 was made as a silver sponsor.  We also supported the event with volunteers.o In March we have 4 tables reserved at the Chili Cookoff Fund Raiser.o Through the Ministry to the Community Advent Tree Project, we gave out 150 gifts last year.o Through the Ministry of Hospitality and Fellowship we offer donut Sundays.o The latest project is to provide a lake parish directory.       Glenda
5:50 – 5:55Education Commission Report• Books have been distributed for Easter; more books are available in the fellowship hall.• PSR is in need of additional volunteers and teachers to support the program. Resignation from Beth; a new Director of Education will be hired.  More information to follow.• NCYC – we will be participating; grades 8-11; $650 per person total cost which includes $100 deposit cost to students; chaperones cost will be covered; parents are also welcomed to attend and they will be responsible for their costs.• We need to get NCYC information in everyone’s hands as quickly as possible.  Tony O. will work with Kelly to coordinate communication and deadlines for sign-up.  Joan has volunteered to help when needed.    Linda
5:55 – 6:00Administration Commission Report• Ordered new doors with glass for offices and classrooms to support Virtus efforts.• Confessional work is complete.    Tom
6:00-6:05Hispanic Ministry Report• First communion was last Sunday so the individuals can be confirmed as one Parish group.  • Confirmation will be a bi-lingual ceremony.• Hispanic community is grateful for the activities and actions of inclusion in the parish.  We should continue our focus on efforts to do more activities that bring both communities together. • Quinceañera or “Sweet 15” Mass will be March 12 at 10:00 am.• We are adding another activity to bring our Parish communities together.  In Mexico, April 30th is a day of celebration for children.  We will use April 30th as an opportunity to celebrate the children of our Parish and the end of the PSR year.  Plans are underway to host a luncheon celebration following 10:00 am Mass, on April 30.  The Knights will be asked to support the food for the celebration.      Rosa, Luis
6:05 – 6:10Pastoral Council Terms Discussion• Terms for Members at Large will be 3 years and a maximum of 2 consecutive terms.• Terms for Commission Reps, Council Chair, and Vice-Chair will be 18 months and a maximum of 1 consecutive term.o This being a newly formed Pastoral Council, we will modify terms this one time to ensure continuity as original members roll-off and new members join.o The existing Commission Reps will serve the following terms to stagger member replacements:▪ Stewardship Commission and Education Commission Reps will serve 24 months. (January 2023-December 2024)▪ Administration Commission and Hispanic Ministry Reps will serve 18 months. (January 2023-June 2024)▪ Worship Commission and Social Concerns Commission Reps will serve 12 months. (January 2023-December 2023)o Future Commission Reps will be selected by the individual Commissions.     Linda
6:10 – 6:20Open Discussion/New Business• There is a question that came up during a Grateful Living Small Group session today: What Commission owns new parishioners’ activities?  We will need to explore how this has been handled in the past and follow-up with more discussion.• The Members at Large have expressed interest in helping support the April 30th celebration.• Joan announced that May Crowning will be on Wednesday, May 3 – Joan will coordinate and reach out for assistance as needed.• PSR reconciliation will be on Tuesday, March 21, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm and Thursday, March 23, 4:00 pm-5:30 pm to assist 2nd graders in preparation for First Communion.• First Communion will be on Sunday, May 7, at 10:00 am Mass. 
6:20 – 6:28Pastor Time• The Rite of Sending Mass for Catechumens will be Sunday, February 26 at 10:00 am Mass. • The First Scrutiny Mass will be Thursday, March 9 at 8:00 am in the Chapel.  • The Presentation of the Creed Mass will be Tuesday, March 14 at1:30 pm.• The Second Scrutiny Mass will be Thursday, March 23 at 8:00 am.• The Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer Mass will be Monday, March 27 at 2:00 pm• The Third Scrutiny Mass will be Thursday, March 30 at 8:00 am.  • The Preparation Rites for the Easter Vigil will be April 8 at 12:00 pm.• Father Penn will celebrate the Stations of the Cross every Friday through Lent at 4:00 pm.     Fr. Penn
6:28 – 6:30Closing   • Next Meeting Date: April 20, 2023 at 5:30 pm• Prayer      Linda