Parish Pastoral Council Minutes, June 22, 2023
OUR LADY OF THE LAKE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL, June 22, 2023, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Attendees: Fr. Penn (Pastor), Gay Ann Christy (Stewardship Rep), Glenda Hinrich (Social Concerns Rep), Linda Adams (Education Rep), Tom Ziegler (Administration Rep), Tony Otto (At-Large Member)
Absent: Tony Kirn (Worship Rep), ), Rosa Aguilar Gasca (Hispanic Ministry), Luis Campos (Hispanic Ministry), Brandy Hutzler (At-Large Member)
5:30 – 5:35 Opening
Linda • Prayer | Parish Prayer
Gay Ann• Motion to approve by Linda Adams, second the motion by Brandy Hutzler
5:35 – 5:40 Worship Commission Report
Tony K. • No Report
5:40 – 5:45 Stewardship Commission Report
Gay Ann • We are currently working with Trish Lutz, Associate Director of Stewardship, Diocese. They are developing a Stewardship guide that will be common across all Parishes. It will provide parishioners with a list of the ways they can use their gifts to support the life of the Parish. The guide will be divided into 4 sections, based on the 4 pillars of stewardship: hospitality, prayer, formation, and service. As example:
Hospitality: welcome committee, bereavement committee, ushers/greeters
Prayer: any liturgical role (music, lector, altar server)
Formation: small groups, confirmation leaders, marriage prep
Service: maintenance, lawn care, cleaning the church
We are currently in the data gathering phase. Next, Kelly Martin, the graphic designer for the diocese will create the guides. We will proof and Father will give final approval to publish. They will be included as part of the CSR packet that gets sent out in the fall. More to come as the activity moves forward.
• A group of parishioners from Our Lady of the Lake, Lake Ozark; Saint Anthony’s, Camdenton, and Our Lady of the Snows, Climax Springs, met at Our Lady of the Lake on June 21, 2023, for a Town Hall Meeting to begin understanding and providing input to the Southwest Deanery Pastoral Process Plan. Those in attendance were introduced to the objectives of the plan and had an opportunity to provide valued input to the plan. Next step will be to make updates to the SW Deanery Pastoral Plan based on parishioner’s input. More to come as this activity moves forward.
5:45 – 5:50 Social Concerns Commission Report
Glenda • 179 parishioners took pictures for the new Parish Directory. The directory team begins meetings with Universal Catholic Directories on July 6 to work on directory layout.
• The Baby Bottle Campaign has received 40 baby bottles to date. Parishioners that have not returned their bottles can still do so. Please return the bottles as soon as possible.
• Social concerns will take on an activity to welcome new parishioners. Deacon Jim will coordinate the activity. Quarterly potlucks will be organized with participation by all Parish Commissions.
• Hope house will be starting their Back-to-School Campaign soon. More to come as the details of the event are finalized.
• The Pregnancy Help Center 5K has been cancelled for 2023 due to personnel changes at the center.
5:50 – 5:55 Education Commission Report
Linda • No meeting in June
• The Senior’s Graduation Breakfast was on June 4 following 10 am Mass.
• The Hearts of Fire book study has started and currently has – 15 attendees. It’s not to late to join if anyone is interested.
• Our Parish is hosting A Reflection on the Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, featuring Cheryl Shockley and Forrest Tucker. Join us July 7th at 7 pm or July 8 at 10 am.
• The question was raised if we should host a session to expand our knowledge on Our Lady of Guadalupe. Glenda will talk with Rosa and Luis to see if this is something the Hispanic community would be interested in hosting.
5:55 – 6:00 Administration Commission Report
Tom • Handicapped Doors: need to finalize doors best serve as handicap entrances, realizing there is a need beyond just entry to Mass. Preliminary review estimates a cost of about $20,000 for mechanisms to operate doors. Tom will pass information to the Finance committee for advisement.
6:00-6:05 Hispanic Ministry Report
Rosa, Luis • No Report
6:05 – 6:10 Replacement for Joan
Linda • Now that Joan (member at large) has joined the Parish Staff, her position on Pastoral Council will need to filled. It was decided the position would be part of the October elections.
6:10 – 6:20 Open Discussion/New Business• No new business
6:20 – 6:28 Pastor Time
Father Penn – Please remind everyone we are hosting A Reflection on the Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, featuring Cheryl Shockley and Forrest Tucker. Join us July 7th at 7 pm or July 8 at 10 am. • Our new Saint Michael statue is in place and will be blessed on the feast of Saint Michael. • PSR Registration BBQ is set to follow Mass at on Wednesday, Sept 6
6:28 – 6:30 Closing
Linda • Next Meeting Date: August 24, 2023 – 5:30
• Prayer