Pastoral Council Minutes, February 22, 2024
Our Lady of the Lake
Parish Pastoral Council Agenda & Minutes
February 22, 2024
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Members: (* denotes absent)
Pr. Penn: Pastor Linda Adams: Education Rep (1/2025)
Gay Ann Christy: Stewardship Rep (1/2025)Bob Hiegert: Social Concerns Rep (6/2025)
Tom Ziegler: Administration Rep (6/2024)Tony Otto: At-large member (1/2026)
Brandy Hutzler: At-large member (1/2026)Open Position: Worship Rep
Open Position: At-large memberOpen Position: Hispanic Ministry Rep
Open Position: Hispanic Ministry Rep
5:30 – 5:35Opening Linda
Parish Prayer |
Approved Minutes Gay Ann
• Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting was received via email. Motion to approve: Linda Adams, Second the motion Brandy Hutzler.
5:35 – 5:50Worship Commission ReportKarri via email
• Painting has been completed in the sacristy.
• Stations of the Cross have been installed in the chapel.
• We have the Kathleen Basi Concert “Flowers in the Desert” coming up March 3 at 2pm.
• Palms and lilies have been ordered for Holy Week.
• We now have Stacy Gier as our Director of Liturgical Music and will be looking at adjusting our meeting schedule to accommodate her.
• Altar Server training is completed, and we have 7 new servers that have completed paperwork.
• PPI will have a recognition breakfast in April TBD.
5:40 – 5:45Stewardship Report Gay Ann
• We have received 72 CSR Time and Talent forms. Commission chairs are currently reviewing theforms from parishioners with an interest in their ministries, finding opportunities to connect parishioners with stewardship activities that allow them to share their time and talent.
• We are focused on development of our council charter. A first pass review was discussed at our last meeting. Our council will review the new template distributed by Linda (Pastoral Council Chair) and make necessary updates to our charter. Our goal is to revise our charter and get approval from Linda Adams and Fr. Penn before our next council meeting. If this is completed, we will make a motion to approve the charter at our March meeting. We are exploring opportunities to support commissions and stewardship growth. Ideas include:
✓ an updated Welcome Center with all commissions represented
✓ updated commission pamphlets
✓ developing an activities board with opportunities for stewardship volunteers
✓ preparation for our next CSR in October
✓ a parish gathering
• We are focused on development of our communication strategy, Parish Website Stewardship page, Facebook, and opportunities for promoting our stewardship platform, commissions, and activities commissions and ministries are involved with to support our parish and community.
• The Annual Stewardship Conference is April 13th. You do not need to be part of our Stewardship Council to attend. In fact, all parishioners across our diocese are invited and encouraged to join the conference.
5:45 – 5:50 Social Concerns Commission Report Bob
• The Trivia Night Planning Team once again provided an incredible night of entertainment for an exceptionally worthy cause.
o Many people voiced their support for choosing the Jeff Barry family as recipient of proceeds. The community truly came together in contribution to our cause.
o $5,500 was raised through players fees, a 50/50 drawing, mulligan sales, raffle sales, and extra donations made the evening of the event. Additional donations made outside the night of the event will be finalized on February 28th. The estimate is the total donations will be close to $7,000. The Trivia Night Team is thrilled with the financial support that was shown to Jeff, Rachel, Simon, and Hattie.
o Each committee member donated a $25 gift card from local area businesses that served as door prices between each Triva round. Committee members, along with other parishioners assisted by donating food for the event. Each year Twiggs donates pizzas for the event and The Lodge of the Four Seasons donates a stage for the event. Three members of our youth group volunteered their time to serve as runners during the event. This event is a testament to “it takes a village.”
o Update on Jeff: he is currently involved in two more weeks of therapy and outpatient therapy is preparing the family for when they return home to Ava.
• Chili Cook-Off Update:
o We have 31 parishioners who will be attending the Pregnancy Health Center Chili Cook-Off on March 7. Two parishioners will also be participating by bringing chili. We are asking for $15 donations for each participant, minus the two that are bringing chili. We will present these donations to the Pregnancy Help Center at the chili cook-off.
o We are also supporting the Pregnancy Help Center after each mass on March 2nd and 3rdby asking parishioners for donations of baby diapers and baby wipes. We will bring these donations to the chili cookoff on March 7.
5:50 – 5:55Education Commission Report Linda
• Stump the Pastor is going very well. Children are stuffing the jar with questions.
• Confirmation – Saturday, April 13 at 5:00 Mass in Camdenton – St. Anthony: Classes going well,and we have 14 students to be confirmed.
• NCYC Covenant: Youth Group Attendance and Service hours will now be required for church to pay part of NCYC cost. Class attendance of 60%, a number of service hours completed, and assisting with fundraising efforts will be mandatory.
• Five parish scholarships were awarded. Each received $1000.
• Works of Mercy group: Planning events for the year for vocations.
o Traveling crucifix passed weekly to a different family offering special prayers
o Vocation education for FFF students.
o Diocesan Vocation Day in Spring and Vocations Week in Fall.
o Marlene Matyshak has accepted position of leading the vocations group.
• Hearts Afire program may be held after Easter.
• Lenten study: Several small groups are doing Jesus and the Eucharist program from the National Eucharistic Revival group.
• We received the Father Offutt Grant for $3,199.00. Group discussed and felt first step should be improving network.
• Library: The Works of Mercy group started project of organizing the library.
• Kirksville Welcome Seed Team is moving along.
• Discussion held with Our Lady of the Lake Welcome Team which is discerning team positions for possible Fall weekend.
• The Education Commission discussed having a simple reception after Easter Vigil for Mallory.Due to the Easter Vigil starting at 8 pm and being a late night, the Pastoral Council recommended having this reception on a Sunday, following a 10 am mass. Linda will discuss with Deacon Paul and see how this fits into Mallory’s schedule.
5:55 – 6:00Administration Commission Report Tom
• Administration Commission is looking for parishioners to join the commission.
• Deck repairs at rectory are complete. Pool table at the rectory is being repaired.
• Stairs repairs on the South side of the church are complete and the handrailing will be completed over the next 2 weeks.
• A landscape company is currently cleaning the outside property.
• We are still battling the roof leak in kitchen.
• Parking lot car bumpers have been replaced.
6:00 – 6:05Hispanic Ministry Report
• Hispanic Ministry is looking for new representatives to join Pastoral Council.
6:05 – 6:15Open Discussion/New Business
• The formal abbreviation of OLL for Our Lady of the Lake has been approved. Motion to approve by Linda Adams and second to the motion by Tony Otto. Consensus by all Pastoral Council members at this meeting was reached.
• A draft of the preliminary Pastoral Council Charter has been developed and distributed. Council members are asked to read the charter one last time and be prepared for approval at our next meeting.
• Linda Adams has emailed a Charter Template to all Pastoral Council Commission/Council reps.Reps are expected to work with their commissions/councils to update their charters, aligning to the template where applicable. Preliminary charters should be submitted back to Linda Adams prior to the next Pastoral Council meeting on April 25.
• A brief discussion regarding parish website/website pages was held. The Stewardship Council will explore more details of this with Marilee Poultry and Joan Wolf to define opportunities for using the site for enhanced communication and opportunities for more online services, including CSR in October 2024 and more online tithing opportunities.
6:15 – 6:28Pastor Time Fr. Penn
• The celebration of mass at Arrowhead Senior Center was a success and our parish will continue to support this meaningful activity once every month. Moving forward, one Tuesday a month the mass normally held in OLL chapel at 8 am will be replaced by the mass held at Arrowhead Senior Center at 2 pm. Parishioners are invited and welcome to join at Arrowhead Senior Centerfor mass and support fellowship. The next mass at Arrowhead Senior Center will be on Tuesday, March 12th.
• Eucharistic Revival – starting on each coast and meeting in Indianapolis. Journey through our diocese will be the week of July 4th with a Eucharistic procession on the 4th.
• New Eucharistic Ministers will be commissioned on March 9 & 10 at all masses.
6:28 – 6:30Closing and Final PrayerLinda
• Pastoral Council Meeting Dates:
o 2/22/2024 (skip March – Holy Week)
o 4/25/2024 (skip May – Memorial Weekend)
o 6/27/2024
o 7/25/2024 (skip August – Parish feast day)
o 9/26/2024
o 10/24/2024 (skip November and December)
o 1/23/2025 Officer Election