Pastoral Council Minutes, January 25, 2024
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Pastoral Council Agenda and Minutes
January 25, 2024 , 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Members: (* denotes absent)
Pr. Penn: Pastor Karri Brauman: Interim Worship Rep
Bob Hiegert: Social Concerns Rep (6/2025) Linda Adams: Education Rep (1/2025)
*Tom Ziegler: Administration Rep (6/2024) *Rosa Aguilar Gasca: Hispanic Ministry Rep (6/2024)
*Luis Campos: Hispanic Ministry Rep (6/2024) Gay Ann Christy: Stewardship Rep (1/2025)
*Tony Otto: At-large member (1/2026) Brandy Hutzler: At-large member (1/2026)
Open Position: At-large member (1/2027)
5:30 – 5:35 Opening Linda
Parish Prayer | Introductions of new reps
Approved Minutes Gay Ann
- Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting was received via email. Motion to approve: Tom Zigler, Second the motion Tony Otto.
5:35 – 5:50 Worship Commission Report Karri
- Kathleen and Christian Basi – March 3, 2024,will be giving a Lenten presentation.
- Father Penn will preside over a Historical Passion Presentation Monday’s during lent in 2025.
- The commission identified bereavement as a ministry that is needed and not addressed. The commission would like to explore a ministry to serve this as an outreach for spiritual and education support. Council approved the request and Fr. Penn encouraged them to also explore a ministry of presence, simply being there.
- Sacristy updates are in progress. Installation of new sink and backsplash are complete. Painting the walls are next on the agenda.
- Ushers/Greeters have requested a session to provide training on emergency protocol. Fr. Penn advised this is a work in process and will happen when the program is complete.
- Eucharistic minister training was held this week. Dates for commissioning will be announced.
5:40 – 5:45 Stewardship Report Gay Ann
- Stewardship Commission has grown: Gay Ann Christy, Vicki Irsik, Jay Bukalski, Susan Ziegler, Jennifer Otto, Amy Fowler, Brandy Hutzler, Linda Bukalski.
- Our Catholic Stewardship Renew is complete. At end-of day-on Jan25, just over 40 packets have been returned. We will not close the CSR packet collection and will continue to recruit parishioners to join in continuing to build our parish commitment to stewardship.
- We are working diligently to get CSR information separated and delivered to the commissions. The first 40 packets are targeted to go to commission chairs/leadership the week of January 29.
5:45 – 5:50 Social Concerns Commission Report Bob
- Parish directories have arrived and will be distributed at all masses 1/27-1/28 and 2/3-2/4.
- Ministry to Families & Ministry to Those in Need (Salva Vida Outreach): Budget for charity support for those in need July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, is $10,000. We continue to experience increased needs within our community. The office staff: Joan, Kelly, and Carol are doing an excellent job completing an initial screening for assistance/support.
- Funeral Dinners, Compassion Meals & Kindness Meals: 15 kindness meals in December 2023; no Compassion Meals or Funeral dinners.
- Ministry of Health and Spiritual Well Being: Home visits continue to be made by members of our commission to include administering Holy Communions when requested.
- Ministry for Protecting Life (Pregnancy Health Care): Chili cook-off March 7, 2024, at the Exchange Venue, 57 Court Circle in Camdenton.
- Ministry to the Community (Advent Angel Tree): We provided support for 165 children and seniors.
- Ministry of Hospitality and Fellowship – Welcoming New Parishioners. The Stewardship Commission is bundling the information from CSR packets and will distribute to all commissions. Social Concerns will receive the names of all new parish members from the parish offish and support a “Meet and Greet” as needed, but at least once in October each year.
- Osage Beach Senior Center: Social concerns is developing a flyer regarding the activities of the center to put in the parish bulletin.
5:50 – 5:55 Education Commission Report Linda
- Steubenville Youth Conference is being considered. It is for students going into 9th grade though recent 12th grade graduates. It alternates years with NCYC.
- Totus Tuus: The cost for the week is $4000. It is not included in the budget this year. Possibly coordinate with area parishes to share event and cost.
- Advent Adventure: went well but not a large turnout. Suggestions are already coming in for next year.
- Works of Mercy group (from the Hears Afire study) selected promoting vocations as the group’s project. As a first step, the wall in the Fellowship Hall will display stories of priests in our diocese to celebrate World Day of Consecrated Life at the beginning of February. Plans are being made to invite priests, deacons, sisters, etc., to speak with FFF students/families. The group also volunteered to help with reorganizing the library.
- Father Offutt Grant requests for #3,199 was submitted to fund Formed and to help with WIFI improvements. It has been approved.
- Our parish’s Welcome Weekend held last November with 15 attendees received lots of positive feedback. Several ladies have decided to continue to form the new team.
- Work for the Welcome Weekend in Kirksville is proceeding. Our seed team is close to halfway through the formation now and a theme of “Sowing the Seeds of Faith” has been chosen. The weekend itself is April 20-21.
- For Lent, “Following Jesus” books will be purchased for parish families. We will also promote other available programs for use by the Stewardship Grateful Living groups and other small groups or individual parishioners or families. Info on programs will be posted in the bulletin, flyers, web page, and Facebook.
5:55 – 6:00 Administration Commission Report Tom (via email)
- The commission welcomed new members: Frank Stipanitz, Jason McKenna, and Pat Dulle.
- Members leaving the commission: Bob Cotter, Robert Adams, Eric Brauman, and Brian Hamrin.
- Long range planning has been put on hold.
- Finance declined the door openers for handicap accessibility.
- Projects in process:
- Stairs on the South side are being torn out and replaced according to code with new handrail.
- Maintenance at the rectory: Tree removal and deck work.
- Stained Glass in the church: a bid was presented to the commission for repairs and is being discussed by the commission.
6:00 – 6:05 Hispanic Ministry Report Rosa, Luis
- No Report
6:05 – 6:15 Open Discussion/New Business
- We need to ask for exception to appoint a member-at-large to serve Jan 2024 – Dec 2025.
- Do we have an official abbreviation for our church? We will discuss further and finalize.
- Need to discuss a formal year in review for all commissions. A yearly reflection from each commission, posted on the website like minutes.
- Do we need a Pastoral Council Charter? It is a good idea. Linda will begin drafting for our council to review. Remembering the council is an advisory council to the pastor.
- Linda will start the process to coordinate commission charter updates, talking with Colleen at the next DPC meeting.
- Safety protocol is being developed, working with the state highway patrol and local law enforcement.
- A suggestion is made that individuals that are not parishioners and give a financial donation receive a Thank You note and church update.
6:15 – 6:28 Pastor Time Fr. Penn
- All topics covered in open discussions.
6:28 – 6:30 Closing Linda
- Tentative Meeting Dates:
- 2//22/2024 (skip March – Holy Week)
- 4/25/2024 (skip May – Memorial Weekend)
- 6/27/2024
- 7/25/2024 (skip August – Parish feast day)
- 9/26/2024
- 10/24/2024 (skip November and December)
- 1/23/2025 Officer Election
- Prayer