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Pastoral Council Minutes, Our Lady of the Lake, July 5, 2024

Our Lady of the Lake 

Parish Pastoral Council Agenda & Minutes

July 25, 2024 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Members: (* denotes absent)

*Pr. Penn: Pastor  ​​​​​Linda Adams: Education Rep (1/2025)

​Gay Ann Christy: Stewardship Rep (1/2025)​​Bob Hiegert:  Social Concerns Rep (6/2025)​

​Tom Ziegler: Administration Rep (6/2024)​​Tony Otto: At-large member (1/2026)

​*Brandy Hutzler: At-large member (1/2026)​​*Lorraine Harrison: Worship Rep (12/2025)

​Open Position: At-large member​​​Open Position: Hispanic Ministry Rep

​Open Position: Hispanic Ministry Rep​

5:30 – 5:35Opening​​​​​​​​                                 Linda

​​Parish Prayer |​​​​​​

​​Approved Minutes​​​​​​​​​        Gay Ann

• Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting was received via email. Motion to approve: Brandy Hutzler, Second the motion Tom Ziegler.

5:35 – 5:50Worship Commission Report​​​​​​                   Lorraine

• No Report

5:40 – 5:45Stewardship Council Report​​​​​​​       Gay Ann

• We are getting extremely positive feedback from our commission chairs about the Stewardship Partners program that we created. Education, Social Concerns, Worship, Knights, and the LadiesAuxiliary all have a member of our Stewardship Council that directly supports their commission or service to ensure we are connected on events and needs of the parish. 

• Our council held an open meeting with the Commission Chairs to discuss key topics in preparation for the 2024 Catholic Stewardship Renewal. 

o Review the current ministry list and update for 2024 CSR documentation: complete

o Commission Pamphlet Updates: due complete by end of July

o Creation of Stewardship pamphlet for 2024 CSR: due complete by end of August

o Annual New Parishioner Welcome Dinner during October as part of CSR (Oct 5 after 5 pm Mass.

o Welcome Center Update: 

▪ Phase 1: Welcome Wall, Current Events Broadcast Area, updated Knights/Lady Auxiliary Wall – ready for 2024 CSR in October

▪ Phase 2: Updated bulletin boards leading to fellowship area – Fall 2024

• Other CSR Activities:

o Four members of our Council attended the 2024 CSR Kick-off meeting at St. Anthony’s in Camdenton. 

o We have received preliminary materials for the next Diocesan Small Group Initiative. Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes. We will be discussing roll-out timing to coordinate with CSR.

o We are working with Joan, Kelly, and Marilee to outline a first step Online presence for CSR and Parish Registration, as well as QR Code access to online giving.

5:45 – 5:50   Social Concerns Commission Report​​                                                         Bob

• The OLL Parish Directory project is complete, with only a few directories left to distribute to parishioners that had their picture taken or submitted a picture. Additional directories were ordered and are available for sale at the parish office for $15. New parishioners that register will receive a directory at no charge.

• The Social Concerns Budget for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, has been approved.

• Social Concerns continues to experience increased needs within our community. During the past two months they have aided two that included car repair and electricity support. Shout out goes to Joan and Kelly in the office who provide the first line of compassion and vetting of those that call the church requesting support. Social Concerns also receives referrals from Compass Health who have come to rely on Our Lady of the Lake when they are unable to support community needs. This speaks volumes with Our Lady of the Lake becoming a center of charity within our great community.

• The Social Concerns Commission Charter is with Linda and Fr. Penn for review and approval.

• 20 Kindness Meals and 4 Compassion meals were distributed in the past two months. No funeral meals were requested.

• Home visits continue to be made by members of Social Concerns and are very much appreciated. Those supporting this great ministry are Jan Metz, Diane Richardson, Glenda Hinrichs, Jeannie Freeman, Ann Wallace, and John Akscin

• 77-78 baby bottles were returned in support of the Pregnancy Health Center Baby Bottle Campaign. 

• Advent Angel Tree: in 2024, we will provide support for 175children/seniors to include 160 to the Hope House, ten to Lake Side Meadows-Stonebridge; ten to Lake Ozark Rehab; and five to Helping Hands. 

• Social Concerns Commission, with support of all parish commissions and councils will host a welcome event for all new parish members in October.

• Social Concerns hosted a Blood Drive on July 8.

• Social Concerns reminded all their ministry members that they must complete Virtus Training.

5:50 – 5:55Education Commission Report​​​​​​​             Linda

• Vocation work is going well. 

• 33 Days to Morning Glory group study started.

• White House Retreat has 12 signed up, plus 2 on the waiting list.

• Karri is stepping down from ministry lead and  Worship Commission Chair. She has accepted the position of DRE at St. Anthony’s and, therefore, will be switching parishes. A wonderful opportunity is opening up for closer collaborations between the two parishes. 

• Nov. 9 is the social for women of the parish.

• Mel is stepping down from ministry lead.

• Updated Education Commission brochures were distributed for immediate review. 

• High School group (grades 8-12) will meet one Sunday each month for a spiritual focused session. Another Sunday each month is a service project. Any month that has 5 Sundays, a social event may be planned, perhaps inviting neighbor parishes and/or churches.

• Our Lady of the Lake will once again be represented at Osage Fest on August 7, thanks to Karen and Michele.

• Confirmation classes will involve a new curriculum and date requests have been given to the diocese of May 7, 14, and 21 (in order of preference). It will be held at 6pm.

• Sponsors are needed as well as catechists for children and teens participating in the OCIA. 

5:55 – 6:00Administration Commission Report​​                                                            Tom 

• Nothing to report

6:00 – 6:05Hispanic Ministry Report​​​​​​​               

• Hispanic Ministry is looking for new representatives to join Pastoral Council.

6:05 – 6:15Open Discussion/New Business

• We are still getting questions from parishioners who have been commissioned as Eucharist Ministers as to why they are not being selected to serve.

6:15 – 6:28Pastor Time​​​​​​​​​                   Fr. Penn

• Nothing to report

6:28 – 6:30Closing and Final Prayer​​​​​​​​​Linda

• Pastoral Council Meeting Dates:

Next Meeting: 9/26/2024

o 10/24/2024 (skip November and December)

o 1/23/2025 Officer Election