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Pastoral Plan Commitment and Prayer

Pastoral Plan Commitment

As children of One Heavenly Father,
as brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ
united as a family of faith by the Holy Spirit,
we commit ourselves to the pastoral conversion of our parish.
We gladly accept the work the Lord entrusts to us
as laity and clergy working together in the vineyard.
We resolve to live as faithful stewards of God’s grace
in service of the evangelizing mission of the Church.
Charity and mercy will be the first response
we offer to those we encounter on the Way.
Fidelity to the Truth will light our path.
All to the praise and glory of God
with due honor to Our Blessed Lady of the Lake. Amen.

Prayer for Our Pastoral Plan

Come, Holy Spirit.
We have seen the Lord, and we want to bring others
to Him who is the Bread of Eternal Life.
Come, O heavenly Light.
Enlighten our minds so that we may know
your Holy Will for our parish.
Come Divine Advocate.
Bring to fulfillment the plan you have entrusted to us
for bringing the good news of salvation
to those who lack the light of faith. 
Come, Divine Consolation.
Grant us the fullness of joy
as we profess, celebrate, live and pray our faith in You.
Come, Giver of every Good Gift.
Teach us the way of stewardship,
affirm us in our vocations,
and strengthen our commitment to charity,
that others may come to know, as we know,
the mercy of God Our Father,
and the Truth revealed in Jesus Christ, Our Lord.