Pastoral Plan Our Lady of the Lake

Pastoral Plan

  • Activity One:  The parish will form a Stewardship Commission to assume the same type of leadership role currently enjoyed by the existing five commissions of the parish. (Stewardship)
  • Activity Two: The Social Concerns Commission, under the leadership of Deacon Jim Hankins, will take the lead in our parish’s growth as a center of mercy and charity. (Mercy and Charity)
  • Activity Three:  The pastor will work with the chairs of the five existing commissions in the development, chartering, and staffing of a Parish Pastoral Council. (Co-responsibility of Laity and Clergy)
  • Activity Four:  The parish will embrace pastoral conversion in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church, especially in evangelization of the youth and young families. (Evangelization)

Themes for Renewal

  • A stewardship spirituality rooted in gratitude for God’s blessings.
  • The co-responsibility of laity and clergy.
  • Parishes as centers of charity and sanctuaries of mercy.
  • The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church.

 How did we get this far?

Bishop Shawn McKnight in early 2020 invited all parishes in the diocese to participate in a process for the development of a new pastoral plan, both for the parishes and for our Diocese as a whole.

Beginning with “grassroots” input, parish plans were developed and sent to the chancery so the scope of overall plans could be understood and used to develop a diocesan plan which could assist the parish pastoral plans.

Read the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on the New Diocesan Pastoral Plan on the Diocese website below:

Our Lady of the Lake, pray for us

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“...if the parish proves capable of self-renewal and constant adaptivity, it continues to be 'the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters.' “ Evangelii Gaudium

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