SAFE ENVIRONMENT – Train in person or online
Today, we are being asked to protect our vulnerable young souls from modern treachery and evil which still exists. As you attend Mass, look at the people in your pew and know that, statistically, 20% of them have been sexually harassed or abused. If it was you, or someone close to you, I am sure you would want to protect both them and yourself. Matthew 10:42 instructs us that giving a cup of cold water to the littlest of His children is the same as giving Christ himself relief in times of trouble.
By completing the VIRTUS Safe Environment Training, we have the means to recognize and stop abuse by being aware of the warning signs. If you find yourself wondering, or your sixth sense is telling you something is amiss, you are NOT ALONE in following through. There is an entire team of folks ready and willing to take your information, anonymously, and see to it that further harm not is allowed.
Many of you have diligently and faithfully completed or updated your ‘Protecting Gods Children’ or ‘VIRTUS’ accounts as required by the Church and Jefferson City Diocese. You are to be commended! Thank You!
For those of you who still need the training, or have tried unsuccessfully to complete the training online, the website is often at maximum capacity. Since that is inconvenient and downright frustrating at times, I am scheduling live training sessions the evening of Thursday, March 9th at 6 pm and during the day Tuesday, March 14th at 11 am. Sessions take about 90 minutes, as long as everyone is pre-registered before the session begins. If you are not pre-registered, you may need to take a later class.
- Make sure you have an email account that you can easily access BEFORE you attempt to set up or update your VIRTUS account.
- To set up a NEW account go to and click on the “First Time Registrant” link, then set up your new account with a login ID and password. Follow the prompts to register for TRAINING AT OUR LADY OF THE LAKE PARISH, then select one of the above session dates. You will receive an email verifying that the account has successfully been set up. Your registration for the training session is recorded and I am notified.
- You will likely be prompted for a Background Check, so complete that information as well. You will be sent to FastTrax Select, and that site is legitimate for this purpose.
- Logoff the account ONLY after you select and save the training date and complete the Background Check data.
- Attend the selected training session, allowing for 90-120 minutes, depending on questions and group size.
— Login at and select any boxes with blue dialogue. Click on the text and you will be directed to the appropriate documentation site.
–If you are unable to sign a required document as directed, or you cannot print then mail it to the diocese, please stop by the office for a copy.
Should you elect to train online, please know I am available at 417-846-3134. If you leave a message, I will call you back as soon as possible.
God bless you for following through on training, and God bless you for doing your part in protecting our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.